Chapter 24

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  • Dedicated to Dedicated to Kat for being so sweet!!! Love ya girl! Hope you enjoy the chapter!

Chapter 24

So I woke up to the sound of my alarm going off telling me it's time to get up and get ready. I got up quietly making sure I didn't wake Cody up. I would get him up after I got ready. Cody was still asleep once I was done getting dressed. I quickly went and woke him up.

"Cody, baby it's time to get up" I whispered in his ear. He didn't respond in any way.

"Baby, wake up!! I have to go to school soon" I said as I rubbed my hand up and down his arm. Still nothing!

"CODY GET YOUR BUTT UP NOW!" I yelled this time he jolted up so quick.

"Why did you do that" he whined

"Do you want to get our morning swim I not not?"

-After the swim-

"Oh god, codes we need to go!"

"What why?" He asked confused

" because I have to leave for school in 30 mins. And besides you have to have everything ready before you leave at noon!"

We arrived back at my house so I could get dressed and ready for school!

So I quickly hopped in the shower and washed my hair and body and did my normal shower routine. Then I shut the water off and grabbed my towel and dried of then wrapped it around my body. I stuck my head out the bathroom door to see if Cody was in there.... Luckily he wasn't quickly grabbed my black skinny jeans, one of my band tees today it was sleeping with sirens, and went back to the bathroom and got dressed.

"Cody!!!!!" I screamed ask was getting ready to walk out the front door.


"I have to get going now or I will miss the bus" I said thinking about how this will be the last time I will see him, which brought tears to my eyes.

"Angel. Don't cry, it's only a month okay. It will go by fast I promise and we will be back with each other in no time" Cody said rubbing my back gently trying to calm me down.

"Will you walk with me to my bus stop?"

"Yes, of course" Cody said as he grabbed my hand and we walked to the bus stop.

"Bye I love you" I said giving Cody ah big hug as the bus driver pulled up.

"I love you too" Cody said leaning in for a kiss. But I quickly pushed him back a little.

"Cody not here, as much as I want to kiss you we can't. We haven't gone public yet and I'm not ready for the nightmare of everyone in school knowing" I said probably a little to harshly.

"Geez, I'm sorry. All i wanted was a kiss from my girlfriend before I leave and I can't even get that!" He said as he sat down on the sidewalk and put his head in his hands.

"No baby, please don't say it like th-" I was interrupted by the bus driver honking the horn.

"Like I was saying, please don't say it like that. Yeah it sucks I cant kiss you right now but just think in a months time I will be with you again and you can have all the kisses you want. But as of right now I need to get to school." I said giving Cody a quick hug and running up to the bus to find a seat.


So school today went by very slow. It was now the last class of the day which was music.

It was my favorite class. The teacher Mr. Hunt was super nice. So today he was teaching us how to write a song and the Melody to go along with it.

"Kat, kat" mr. Hunt said snapping his fingers in front of my face.

"Huh, sorry I must have zoned out"

"Okay well please try to stay focused. And I was just setting up partners for the assignment. And it looks like you will have to work alone on this one."

"Oh, that's okay I don't mind" which was true. I would rather work by myself than with any of my classmates anyways. "and what exactly is the assignment about"

"You need to creat a song. And turn it in to me by the 15th of next month."

"But I am not going to be here then. I will be with a friend. Is it possible if I can just email it to you by the 15th?" I said hoping he would say yes.

"Yes that will be fine. But no later than the 15th do you understand!"

"Yes sir"

After I finished talking to Mr. Hunt the school bell rang meaning school was over!


"Hey dad" i said as I walked in the front door.

"Hey Kat..... Put your stuff down and let's go!"

"Where are we going?" I asked totally confused.

"We need to pick your brother up from the airport"

So let me tell you a little bit about my brother. Well he is actually my step brother from my moms first marriage. But I never really consider him a step brother he was more like my actual brother. And I said earlier on that he was off at college which was true but not long after he dropped out to pursue his dream of being a rock star! Which he did. He is in the band Sleeping With Sirens. Well we just arrived at the airport so have to go now.

~Alright so this may be kind of short I am not sure, but yeah. I hope y'all enjoyed the chapter. And who do you think her brother is??? Let me know! And sorry of there are any errors I hate having to take the time to re-read and fix my mistakes. Stay weird- xoxo madi

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