Setbacks and Worries

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A simple two days later, things began to break down. Azure had gotten to go back home, but there was a large-scale attack from white team rocket on the black team rocket base. Both Hayune and Rust were helping defend, and Azure could barely do a thing to help besides sending her pokemon to operate under Hayune’s command. During this attack, Rust tried to attack one of his siblings. All it did was reveal to them he wasn’t dead. That, and re-open the scar across his face and give him a temporary blinding in one eye. Nevertheless they were driven away for the time being. The next day, Azure’s mother, Crystal, goes to check up on Rust. She discovers only an empty bed and a window left open. She’s worried for him, and Hayune is in a panic. Azure wasn’t better at all, and his job was to stay by her side. He wasn’t allowed to look around for his troubled friend. He was stuck.

As hours pass and there’s no signs of him, Hayune is beginning to hope the troublesome alternate timeline him was going to help find him, and calm him if he’s thinking or doing anything dangerous. It was bad enough for Rust to run around with a fragile fresh scar and temporary blind eye. He was worried about his mental state as well, and barely calmed down even when Azure was doing what she could to relax him. She sends a text to a friend hoping they’ll go fetch Rust so Hayune would stop worrying. That, and she was a bit worried for the boy as well. It must be tough fighting against family, even if he hates his siblings too. It really was a shame; she was just beginning to tolerate him somewhat.

Azure had propped herself up against the wall and her bed. Hayune is curled up against her, face all puffy and red from all the crying he’s done. For someone who’s gone through a rotten timeline full of death, his heart was still as soft as ever for the people he cared about. He was in a state where he could barely function. He wasn’t asleep, but he wasn’t very conscious either. He’s been crying for hours, and he was starting to fall asleep now. Her father comes in to check in on them. One could tell it sort of saddened him too to see Hayune like that. Azure looks at her father and puts a finger over her lips, trying to convey that Hayune’s almost asleep and she wants to keep it that way rather than work through more tears. She mouths, “Any luck?” to her father, and gets a shake of the head. Azure sighed a little bit.

Her father leaves again, and she just gently pets Hayune’s head. She wished nothing more but to get Darkrai to give her strength back, but going from sick to better in an instant would be very suspicious. Darkrai wasn’t a caught pokemon. It would spell trouble for him if he were to be found. She can only go out without being bothered when she gets a stand in for herself, and when no one is there to notice her absence. Usually it’s easy; there are no more caring grunts ever since Harry, Ken, and Al all practically died, so she’d go out whenever she wanted after her father or mother turned out the lights, and she’d be able to do anything with Darkrai by her side. But now there was someone caring about her again. Caring a lot more than anyone outside her family ever did. In some ways, it was nice. In others, it was a bit suffocating. She can’t go out and look for Rust herself to ease his pain. It tore her up inside.

It was the same feeling that kept her from telling Darkrai it was okay to sweep the white rocket base. There were grunts there, some under mind control, and others forced to stay due to threats of their families being harmed. She only wanted to destroy the ones that were truly evil. That was Sird, the siblings, and their closer elites. There are only two ways to do this with precision and care: fuel Darkrai up so his powers are as accurate as can be when he does a dark void sweep (using nightmares to kill the truly vile and using them to wake the controlled), and finding the Johto legendaries, Ho-Oh and Lugia. She was working on doing both, just in case one isn’t possible.

For now, she couldn’t do anything. She could only sit there and feel terrible with Hayune. Perhaps this wasn’t all bad, though. She did get him to sleep. She takes out her handkerchief, and moves him so that she can see his face. She carefully and gently dries his tears. His eyelids fluttered and twitched slightly in his sleep, and his breath was still shaky at some moments. She gently and carefully touches his cheek, observing his features in the quiet time she had to look at him. His cheeks were nice and smooth, and peppered with a bunch of cute freckles. She could see slight smudges and traces of something glittery, as if he tried a bit of makeup on but attempted to wipe it off before anyone saw him. Did he know about makeup wipes? Perhaps she should check if he has a stash of makeup somewhere and leave him a pack of hers as a gift. She’d teach him how to apply eyeliner masterfully. That would be a fun thing to do with him. Her attention travels to his lips. They are definitely well taken care of, with no signs of dryness or chapping anywhere. They were kinda perfect, unlike hers. She has a habit of biting and licking her lips. Hers are always dry and rough. His eyelashes were perfect, his eyebrows, everything. Not a single hair out of place. After she’s had her fun with staring, she puts away her handkerchief and curls around him comfortably once again, ready to nap.

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