Ch. 4

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------Mrs. Stephen's POV-----

I think that Ray and I made the right decision to adopt Anna into our family. Iz needs a sister. She's been hanging with the twins for too long. But it's a good thing that Iz and Anna are teammates at NorthWood. I am hoping that they have a couple of classes together. But I know Iz. She is a leader. She introduces herself to new students. Iz was always that kind of girl. I hope that she can be like that with Anna. I can already tell that Anna's English is getting better. I don't know what Iz is doing but it's doing well.

But I think that it was the right decision. With what Anna was going through. I mean her mom was working three jobs just to put food in her mouth and clothes on her back. I think that Anna will have a good life as a Stephen. We Stephens are hard headed. We are a really close family even though Ray is in Montreal for like 7 months maybe more because of the preseason, season, and postseason. I really don't know how she is going to adjust, but it will just take time I know that for sure. I think that Anna will have a chance to get a scholarship at a good college or even make it to the Olympics, just like Iz. But it's her choice on what she wants to do. I hope that she just makes the right choice. But who knows.

------Iz's POV------

I am so excited that Anna has become my sister!!! This is probably one of most happiest days of my life!!!! I didn't know that mom and dad had planned this part. It was a big surprise to Max, Aaron, and I. We were totally blown off our feet. I just can't believe that mom and dad would do something like this. Giving someone like Anna a new shot at life. After what she went through back in Kladno. I am happy that I have the parents that I have (even though dad is a superstar and all, it still doesn't change things at all!) because they teach us about respect, kindness, and how to be ourselves around the people that we meet.

I hope that Anna will be somewhat like us. I just hope that she likes it here in Lake Placid and at NorthWood. I just hope that Anna will adjust to the city in time for when school starts. But I think that she will because we are starting tryouts for the team in a couple of weeks so I will help get Anna in shape for the tryouts. But I have already made the team since I am the captain of the team. So I have already made the team but I still have to tryout. I have always been the Captain of the team. I am actually just like Anna. I have always played on the next highest team. This will be the 3rd year that I have been on NorthWood's Team. Last year was the first time that I was captain of this team. But who knows, Anna May not need my help to get her on the team. But I wouldn't be able to tell unless I see her play.

Once 11:45 arrive, Anna and I left to go to Main St. Pizza and Pasta to go to our meeting with coach. I wonder what coach wants to talk to us about. But what ever it is, I am getting a little nervous. I could tell that Anna was getting a little uneasy because she expresses her emotions on her face. But I reassured her that Coach isn't what she think she is. I told her that coach wasn't that mean unless if you pushed her the wrong way.

"But what if she doesn't like me?" Anna asked as her English was getting better

"She likes everyone. Just don't rub her the wrong way." I assured her

"Can I asked you something?" She asked

"Yeah sure. Fire away." I said as Max turned right

"Um.. When are you going to teach me English?" She asked looking out the window.

"Actually I have already been teaching you." I stated

"You have. How?" She said looking at me

"Just by talking to you." I said

"Really. Wow I didn't even notice." She said as we arrived at Main St. Pizza and Pasta.

"Do you have money?" Max asked

"Yes I have my credit card and some cash." I said as I closed the door

"Does Anna have money?" He asked

"I am paying for her" I said

"Ok." He said as he took off.

After Max took off, Anna and I ordered and looked for Coach Bowland. But we didn't see her. So we found a booth in the far corner and sat down. A few minutes later, Coach Bowland came in and she ordered and found us. She came over and sat across from us. When she got settled in. Then Anna's Pasta and my salad came out and the waiter put it in front of us. Then a minute later, Coach Bowland's food had arrived and we all started to eat. Then after we were done eating, Coach started to talk about practice.

"So As you know Iz, tryouts are coming up and I want you to help Anna get in shape so that she can be at the best of her ability." Coach said

"Yes I know. We were gonna go to the rink tomorrow and lift as well as start skating around on the ice." I said

"Yeah that sounds good. I will work my hardest." Anna said.

"Ok. I know you are. I have seen videos of you play, Anna." Coach said.

"I think that everyone has seen Anna play." I stated

"Really, you think" Anna said looking at me with a raised eyebrow.

"Yep. Heck, even I have seen highlights of you." I stated again

"Yeah. But at NorthWood, you are going to need more then Highlights to get in. You are going to be the best of the best. Even Iz knows that. This will be her third year on the team and second year as captain." Coach said

"It's true. I guess it comes with having a dad like mine. But I still work hard." I said

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