Ch. 9

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----Iz's POV----

I think I probably should have mentioned Nix and Averie. After all my new sister should know about my best friends. I just hope that Averie, Nix, and Anna will get along. Wait, wait, wait. What am I saying I know that Nix and Anna will get along great because they are both from Europe. But I don't know about Averie. With her being an Aussie and all. I hope that she will get along well with Anna. Wait I am the caption of the team, so what I say goes.

Hold on. I need to text Averie to see when she is going to be back. Hey when are you going to be back? Itexted. I don't know. The plane took off 30 minutes ago. My best guess is that we are going to land at around 4:00 in the morning. Why do you ask? Averie texted back. Well you know how my parents adopted a kid that was our age out of the Czech Republic? I said. Yes. Why? Averie said
Well I really want you to meet her and tryouts start in a couple of days. I said. Ok thanks for letting me know. I can't wait to meet her too. Averie said. Then I didn't text back.

Once I put my phone down, I slid my gear bag out from under my bed. I sat on the floor, with my back to my bed and I took everything out of my gear bag. Then I started to reorganized my bag to where everything will fit. I started to put my leg pads in my bag when I heard a knock on my door. I put everything under my bed before I went to the door. Once I reached the door I was surprised at who was standing on the other side.

"Can I talk to you before I leave for Montreal tomorrow." dad asked

"Yeah sure. What do you want to talk to me about?" I asked in response.

"Well I wanted to talk you abut Anna." Dad said

"What about her?" I asked

"Well I want you to stay with her. I arranged for her to be in every one of your classes. I want you to introduce her to the team first. Then introduce her to some of your friends. Got it?" dad said

"Yes dad, I got it" I said.

"Good. Now lets go to the local rink and practice. Get your gear ready and tell Anna to get her gear ready and text Nix to meet us at the local rink in an hour so we can practice." Dad said as he was starting to walk out the door.

"Ok." I said as I fished for my gear bag out from under my bed.

Then I wallked through the bathroom to Anna's room and told her to get her gear ready for practice. Then as I was walking back to my room, I texted Nix to get his gear ready and meet us at the local rink in an hour. Then I went back to organizing my gear bag. When I was about to fold my extra practice jersey, I got a text from Nix saying: OK. I'll let my parents know. I'll drive over there as soon as I finish unpacking and organizing my gear bag. I texted back saying: Alright. See you then. He texted back: OK. Then I went back to folding my extra practice jersey and I put it on top of my gear and placed my helmet in the corner.

Then I took my gear bag downstairs to where the garage door was. But when I stepped off the last step I saw that Anna and my dad were ready to go to the rink. Once I got to them, we left to go pick up Nix and then head of to the rink for practice.

A/N sorry this chapter is short. Had a hard time coming up with things. Plus I have been really busy with Athletic Training and Softball. Comment if you have any ideas of what I should write next!!

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