Chapter Five: The Sand of the Silver Beast

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"Jezebel, your tail doesn't need to be that high! You look like you're making dirt, for Starclan's sake," Wolflake snapped at his apprentice.

The loners taken into Blossomclan had been made apprentices. Lynx became Lynxpaw, Coal became Coalpaw, and Jezebel wanted to keep her name the way it was. Lynxpaw was being mentored by Cherrystar, Coalpaw by Diamondleap, and Jezebel by Wolflake. All of the apprentices were being trained to hunt today.

"I-I'm sorry, Wolflake..." The small she-cat whimpered. She lowered her tail and prepared herself to leap on the mossball that was only a few paw-lengths away.

"Now bring all of your weight into your haunches, and spring on the mouse," Wolflake instructed.

Cherrystar and Diamondleap were letting their apprentices watch Jezebel and listen to Wolflake so they could learn themselves.

Jezebel coiled back and then leapt. Her tiny forepaws landed on the mossball, and she looked at Wolflake with excitement. "I did it!"

"That's good, but I could smell your fear-scent, and you forgot to make the killing bite. You have to stay confident that you'll catch it; your nervousness will scare the mouse off. And if you don't kill your prey right when you pounce on it, it'll squirm right out of your paws and dart off," Wolflake explained, padding over and grabbing the mossball out from under Jezebel's paws and tossing it across the arena to show what he meant.

Cherrystar turned and looked at Lynxpaw. "Would you like to try it?" She offered, and the white tom immediately nodded.


After a day of training, Cherrystar tiredly padded over to her den. She kneaded at her clean mossbed, trying to make it softer to sleep in. The red and white queen then curled up and drifted off to sleep.

Cherrystar was in a strange clearing. It looked like the land Blossomclan lived in, but there wasn't any Twoleg nests or structures. She stared in horror as she saw four massive beasts, larger than three Twoleg nests stacked on top of each other.

One was bulky and red, looking like it was in a horrid mood. Another one was purple, and looked very friendly, almost like a loving she-cat with kits. The third one was green and skinny, who looked very sly and would have a personality similar to Wolflake. The fourth one was pure white, and it looked the largest yet oldest.

The beasts looked like massive lizards with bat wings and horns. They seemed to be discussing something, yet Cherrystar couldn't understand their language. She was startled when she noticed Snowfeather appear next to her, showing the same face of horror.

"Snowfeather? What are you doing here?" Cherrystar mewed, confused.

Snowfeather tilted her head. "I don't know, what are you doing here? Are you dreaming too, or are you a figment of my dream?" She asked.

"I'm dreaming. Well, I don't quite know how to prove it to you," Cherrystar sighed, looking back at the dragons.

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