Chapter 2

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Lena POV

I woke up between Barrets arms, god, I missed that feeling, he was holding me tightly, not only me, but Athena too, I could not help myself but smile, and I kissed my little girl's nose and whispered,

-Good morning sweetie

To which Athena woke up, yawning and I told to my self

-My little sleepy head

She woke up and said

-Good morning mommy, good morning daddy

I interrupted her with a little shh, and whispered

-Honey, your daddy is still sleeping, lets try to not wake him up just yet

I told my girl winking at her, which she knew that meant to play a little prank on him

Barret POV

I woke up, I felt really heavy and tired, when I woke up I hugged Lena tightly, as well as Athen, but they felt...cold..that made me open my eyes as big as plates, and I saw that what I was holding were some clothes that were full of cold meats, cheeses and ice, I laughed and yelled

-Jokes on you babe, I love ham and cheese for breakfast

That made Lena and Athena laugh, Barret grabbed some of the cold cheeses and ham, and went to the kitchen and said

-Now girls sit down, cause dad is making breakfast for you both

-Wait, honey do you even know how to cook?

-There were some things that you did not knew about me when I was still allive babe

Barret said giving her wife a quick kiss, and sliced the ham on dices as well as the cheese, he broke some eggs, and mixed it all together, and set the fire on low, meanwhile he put some bread on the toaster, and then made a big jar of orange juice, and on a different pan, he put some tortillas to cook, and waited for the omelet to be cooked, before he put it inside the tortillas, and the smell made Lena say

-That smells delicious

-Thanks honey, Lena, is Athena allergic to anything?


Athena looked at his father as he said this and said

-I am a strong women daddy

-Yes, you are, my small strong girl

Barret said as he picked her up and looked at her daughters face, and said

-You will give uncle Rein a run for his money in no time 

Barret said playing with Athena on his arms, then he let her down and served the plates with the omelet inside the taco shell, Lena laughed and said

-It looks kinda funny dear

She said taking the tortilla and eating a bite, and when she did her eyes opened big and she digged in quickly, and ended the whole thing and said

-Babe that was delicous

-Yes daddy, can I have another pleaseeeeeeeee

Barret laughed a bit and said

-Anything for my girls

He cooked some more of his special breakfast (dont ask why the name, just accept it :p) for his wife and daughter, after an excesively long break fast that took like 2 hours, Lena said

-Barret, we need to talk to Winston remember?

-I know, are we taking Athena with us?

Lena looked at Athena and smiling said

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