[imagine REQUEST] you tell your parents that you're pregnant

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LIAM: The smile hasn't left his face all day. He's been dying to get to tell his parents that you two are giving them a grandchild. You'd found out nearly three weeks ago, but you've been waiting until you could get both sets of parents over to your house for dinner to tell them all at once. "Calm down or you'll make them suspect that something's up," you tease. "I'm just so excited to finally get to share this news with someone. It's been killing me having to keep this all such a huge secret." You giggle. "I know, I know. And soon enough you'll be able to shout it off the rooftops to anyone who will listen." He beams again, giving you a loving kiss on the lips. Soon, your families arrive and the meal is served. Things carry on casually as usual, and as you begin setting out dessert, Liam stands up to make the big announcement. "Everyone, uh, [Y/N] and I have something to tell you..." he starts as you join his side. "We're pregnant!" you exclaim, sending both sets of parents into a round of excitement which leads to plenty of hugs, kisses, and congratulations.

HARRY: As soon as you see the caller ID screen on Harry's cell phone, you laugh. "Babe, your mom's calling!" you call to him as you grab his phone and head to the den to meet him there. He smirks as he answers it, putting it on speaker so you can hear too. "Hey, Mum," he greets. "Don't you 'hey, Mum' me. I know I'm getting old, Harry, but I don't appreciate getting a Grandparent's Day card in the mail today," she scolds. "Well you better get used to it..." Harry mentions. "Why? You gonna put me in the home next week?" she presses sarcastically. "Not quite yet. But you might wanna start thinking of what you wanna be called...Grandmum." "Harry! I told you to- Wait...are you saying what I think you're saying?" she asks, the news suddenly dawning on her. "[Y/N] and I are having a baby," he tells her. The excited shrieks that come through the phone are so shrill, he's glad the phone is already away from his ear. "Really?? She's really pregnant?" "I'm really pregnant," you pipe in, smiling broadly. "I'm coming over, I wanna give you both hugs," she states. "Mum, no, that's not-" he's cut off by her end of the line clicking out. You both laugh, ready to wait her arrival.

NIALL: "Merry Christmas!" you and Niall cheer as your parents come into the house. Per tradition, you'd spent Christmas Eve with Niall's parents and given them the news then. And now, as Christmas dinner cooks in the oven, your parents have arrived for the yearly holiday meal with them. While waiting for dinner, you all gather in the living room to exchange gifts. Your parents hand you and Niall their gifts to you as you and Niall stand there empty handed. Just as you'd done to his parents the night before, you tell your parents, "Unfortunately this year we weren't able to get you your gift in time. It's gonna take a little longer than we'd anticipated, but you'll have it in about seven months," you inform them. "That's perfectly alright, dear, but what in the world is going to take seven months to get here?" your mom questions. That's when Niall hands them the picture of your recent sonogram. "Oh my God! You're kidding! Are you really pregnant?" she gasps as your dad's jaw goes slack. You nod happily, leading your mother to wrap you in a large hug. "This is the best gift we could ever ask for!" she exclaims, pulling Niall in for a hug as you embrace your father. "By the way, your real presents are behind the tree," you enlighten them with a small laugh.

ZAYN: You and Zayn eagerly make your way to your parents' house for the Sunday tradition of going over for brunch every week. Once you arrive, you carry on as normal, trying to wait for the perfect time to bring it up. You can't seem to get a word in edgewise, however, as your father continuously rambles on about the fishing trip he'd gone on with his buddies the day before. After the meal, as your mother hands out the usual mimosas, you politely decline yours. "What do you mean you don't want one? Honey, these are your favorite; are you sick?" "Nope, actually never felt better, Mom." "Then have one," she insists. "Um, well...there's something Zayn and I have to tell you," you cut right to the chase. You can see your mother's face pale as she immediately expects the worst. "I'm pregnant," you state simply. It takes a moment for the news to sink in, but when it does, your mom goes into Super-Nurture mode. "Oh my God, that's fantastic!! Oh, of course you can't have one of these then! Let me go get you some orange juice. Oh, I'm so excited!" Meanwhile, your dad claps Zayn on the shoulder giving him a quick congratualtions.

LOUIS: "Have you seen the pictures from our trip yet, Mum?" Louis asks as the three of you sit in your living room one afternoon. "No, I don't think I've seen you guys since you went. Have you got them?" "Yeah, they're on the computer - I'll show you." He pulls out his laptop and opens up to the folder with all the pictures in it - which you and Louis have uploaded a picture of your sonogram into for her to find at the end. "Looks like the place was beautiful. And the view from your room is fantastic! Oh, what a great shot of the two of you," she comments as she clicks through. As she nears the end, you and Louis both bite back your grins. "What's this? Whose sonogram is this?" she questions before spotting "Tomlinson" in the top corner. She checks the date to confirm it's from only a few days prior and then looks to the two of you with wide eyes. "Really??" is all she manages to say. "Really," Louis confirms. She cheers happily and pulls you both in for large hugs. "So when is my little peanut due to arrive?" she asks, pulling away after a moment. "Hey, I thought I was your little peanut," Louis argues, feigning offense over being replaced. "That was before you two made me a grandmum-to-be!" she exclaims, receiving a chuckle from Louis.

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