[imagine REQUEST] he finds some old, awful pictures of you

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LOUIS: Louis clomps downstairs after rummaging around in the attic in search of his old clothes he'd stashed up there. He has some kind of book in his hand that he sits down and starts flipping through. You pay no mind to him and continue checking Twitter on your laptop. "Looks like we have quite the Blast from the Past!" Louis exclaims holding up the book to show you your long-forgtten 8th grade yearbook picture. You gasp and snatch the book away from him. "Oh my God! Don't look at that, I look terrible!" He laughs. "I dunno, the giant gaps in your teeth give you some character. And your hair looks fantastic!" You thwap him with the yearbook and he laughs again. "You should be proud to be the Ugly Duckling - it means puberty was really good to you!" he defends. "You would know... Your mom's shown me some of your old pictures." Louis' face grows more serious, "Touché," he says, resigning the teasing.

NIALL: You're sitting in the living room with old photos spread out all across the coffee table and the couch around you. Niall enters the room and picks up a couple of the pictures as you secure another one into the album in your lap. "Whoaaa!! Is this you??" Niall asks, flipping the picture around for you to see. "Oh my God, I thought I got rid of all of those!" you grumble. It's a picture from your middle school days where you have braces and acne and your hair is sticking out at all sorts of angles like you had just stuck your fork in an electrical outlet. "Remind me not to have kids with you if they're gonna end up with your genes," he jokes waving the picture around, taunting you with it. "Gee, thanks. I love you too," you deadpan, sticking another picture into the album you're working on. Niall leans in and kisses your temple sweetly. "You know I'm just kidding with you," he says before completely ruining the moment and flashing the picture back at you once more.

HARRY: "Where do you keep these clothes?" Harry asks you as he flips through an old photo album of yours that he found on the bookshelf. "What clothes?" you question. He shows you a picture of you wearing a gawdy uniform with bright, bold colors in a pattern you can only assume a two-year-old put together and a baseball cap that makes you look like a ten-year-old boy. "Orange and green really suit you well," Harry teasingly comments. "Was this a Halloween costume or something?" "No, that would be the uniform for my first job, believe it or not." Harry laughs. "I mean it, this outfit really flatters you. You should wear it more often," he mocks. "Shut up. It was a terrible uniform to go with a terrible job at a fast food place. I still can't believe my mom made me take that stupid picture..." you groan as Harry flips to another picture of you that causes him to laugh.

LIAM: "Who's she?" Liam asks you as you scroll through an old scrapbook that you'd made in high school. "That would be me," you explain, a light pink blush creeping into your cheeks. "How?!" Liam asks, sounding nearly appalled. You shove his shoulder. "Cut it out, you're not funny." "I'm not trying to be! I just can't believe this is you!" "Yes, I was fat in high school. So what?" you defend, starting to get mad. "Don't get mad... Would it make you feel better if I told you I would still have fallen in love with you back then?" "Maybe a little..." you admit as Liam reaches his hands out to tickle your ribs, making you laugh and forget all about the horrible picture.

ZAYN: "Thank God this was just a phase!" Zayn says handing over a picture he'd just found. "Where did that come from?" you ask, grabbing the picture from his hand. "It was in this shoebox full of pictures your mom dropped off earlier." You blow out a heavy sigh. "What was I ever thinking when I did this to my hair?" "Not to mention that fantastic outfit you're wearing," Zayn adds on sarcastically. "I can't believe my mother let me out in public looking like that..." "It looks like you stuck your head in a blender," Zayn observes. You laugh. "This was my 'rebel' stage. And clearly I was not meant to be a rebel." "Nooooo, you definitely weren't. This look is much more fitting for you," Zayn tells you, picking up a pinch of your shirt in his fingers. "I'll keep that in mind," you tell him, going in for a kiss.

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