[imagine REQUEST] he swoons over a picture he finds of you while on tour

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LIAM: "Hey, mate, have you taken a look at this?" Louis asks, tossing a magazine at Liam. Liam catches it and looks at the page it's opened up to. He comes face-to-face with a picture of you leaving the club one night with your friends. He can't tear his gaze from the mini-skirt and the top with the plunging neckline that you're wearing. Not to mention, the heels you're wearing that make your legs seem to go on for miles. "Thought you might like that," Louis says with a cheeky grin before rejoining the other guys in another part of the tour bus. Liam picks up his phone to call you. You don't answer, probably because it's late back home where you are and you're most likely asleep already. He leaves you a voicemail, "Hey, baby. I'm just calling to let you know I found a picture of you leaving the club... Why don't you ever wear those kinda of clothes when we go out together?" he asks into the phone with a seducing tone. He disconnects the call, then rips the page out of the magazine, folding it up and tucking it in his pocket.

HARRY: Out of boredom, Harry picks up a gossip magazine to read and pass the time. He comes across a risqué picture of you outside of a bar one night, looking more than a little buzzed. Your shirt is twisted up, revealing part of your leopard-print bra, and your mini-skirt looks like it could be pulled down a little bit to cover up more of your legs. Harry is immediately smitten by how sexy you look, despite being borderline trashy. Louis comes up behind Harry, snatching the magazine from his hands. "Well, well, well, looks like you need to keep better tabs on your girl!" Louis teases. Harry shoves his friend in the shoulder before yanking the magazine back. He retreats to his bunk, pulling out his phone to give you a call. You groan into the phone after Harry tells you about the picture. "That was just one mess of a night! And of course it's the one night they manage to track me down and plaster me across a magazine..." Harry chuckles, "Speaking of plastered..." Harry teases you before quickly changing the subject, "It's alright, I actually kinda like it. I might even frame it." "Don't you dare!" you warn just before you can hear a page ripping, and you can only assume he's pulled the picture out of the magazine.

ZAYN: While stopped for the night on tour, Zayn and the boys make their way to a convenience store to grab some snacks for the night in the hotel room. As Zayn passes by the magazine racks, something catches his attention. On the cover of one of the magazines is the headline, "Best Bods" and one of the people shown is you in your jogging pants and a sports bra. Zayn has always loved the sight of you after getting back from a run. He picks up the magazine and adds it to his pile. Later that night when the boys are hanging out in the hotel, Niall finds the magazine and shows it to Liam. Zayn tries to snatch it away from his friend, but Niall jerks it away before he can. "Why didn't you tell us she had such a nice body?" Niall asks. "Seriously, I think her abs might be better than mine," Liam adds on. Zayn just laughs, grabbing the magazine and claiming it as his own once more. He excuses himself and retreats back to his hotel room to call you on skype. When you answer the call, the only thing you see on your screen in the magazine cover. "Well, just color me flattered!" you say with a laugh. Zayn pulls the magazine away from the camera. He's grinning at you. "This picture is definitely way better than the one I normally keep with me. I might have to make a switch," he states with a wink. "You're ridiculous," you say adoringly before you two chat about other things for a little while.

NIALL: You're on the phone with Niall when you hear Zayn in the background shouting, "Niall! You might have some competition!!" Niall's attention turns to Zayn who shoves a magazine under his nose. There's a picture of you with some other guy at an all-you-can-eat buffet. "That's just her brother," Niall explains, unphased. Zayn slams a finger down on the picture, pointing out the six plates piled in front of your brother. "I was talking about this," Zayn explains. Niall laughs, grabbing the magazine from Zayn's hand and smacking him with it. You're giggling on the other end of the line, having heard the whole conversation and knowing exactly what picture they're talking about. "I gotta admit," Niall says back to you now that Zayn has left, "this is a pretty good picture of you. Something about seeing you with a piece of chicken in your hands just gets me all hot and bothered," he jokes. You guffaw into his ear and he begins laughing just as hard, carefully tearing the picture from the magazine as you two calm down and carry on your conversation.

LOUIS: Louis reaches under his pillow and pulls out the picture of you that he'd found in a magazine a week ago. It's of you and your friends laying on the beach, soaking up the sun, with a little inset of you in the water. Suddenly the bunk curtain is being ripped back and Harry is standing there. "What'cha got there?" Harry asks, making a grab for he picture, but Louis shoves it back under his pillow. Harry dives into the bunk to try to get his hands on it, but Louis fights him off. "Is that the picture of [Y/N] that we found the other day?" Harry asks, giving up his search. Louis doesn't answer, but Harry knows that it is. He laughs at his friend and walks off. Louis picks up his phone to text you. "Before harry gets the chance to text you and make fun of me - yes, I have a picture of you in your bathing suit under my pillow. I found it in a magazine and you look dead sexy ;) love you xx" His phone buzzes a minute later with a message from you, "Hahahahaha you are too much! Glad you like it ;) love you too X"

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