[imagine REQUEST] he proposes to you

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NIALL: It's Christmas Eve and after hustling and bustling for the last few days leading up to now, you're gratefully enjoying a quiet night by the fire with Niall. You'd been home from your parents' house for about half an hour, and Niall had lit the fire as soon as you'd both come through the door. "Hmmm," you sigh happily. "I couldn't agree more," Niall says, popping another one of your mom's famous Christmas cookies into his mouth. The grandfather clock in the corner of the room bangs out twelve bongs, signaling midnight, and the official start to Christmas. "Merry Christmas," you whisper. Niall doesn't answer. Instead he just shifts position and looks you in the eye. He's suddenly not so calm and relaxed. "Something wrong?" you ask. "I've been waiting a really long time to give you your present, and now that it's technically Christmas, I'd like to give it to you now," he explains. "Ok, sure," you agree, excited to see what it might be. He gets up and pulls a large square box out from behind the tree. You furrow your brow in confusion, not expecting such a giant gift. He places it on the floor in front of you and you don't hesitate to start tearing into it. Inside is another, smaller box. You rip into that one, only to find another smaller box. This pattern continues for four or five more boxes until the only one left is a tiny one that's small enough to sit in the palm of your hand. You shred away the paper to reveal a velvet ring box. Your breath catches in your throat as you lift the lid. Inside is a dazzling diamond ring. At the sight of it, you start vigorously nodding your head and saying, "Yes! Yes, of course!" Niall laughs, all earlier traces of discomfort gone. "I haven't even asked you yet!" "Oh, right. Sorry." He laughs again before continuing. "[Y/N], will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?" "YES!" you shout out as Niall places the ring on your finger. You promptly jump into his arms and shower him in kisses.

ZAYN: You'd been waiting for over an hour for Zayn to pick you up for your date tonight. The plan had been for him to change at the studio after recording with the boys all day, swing by your house to pick you up, and then head to the restaurant for dinner. You're growing more and more impatient the longer you're left sitting there waiting. Unable to get ahold of Zayn, you've already called Niall to see if Zayn had left the studio yet, which Niall had assured you he had. You're about to just get out of your nice clothes in exchange for your pajamas, and gorge on some leftover pizza when Zayn finally pulls up in front of the house. You get in the car and the first thing you say to him is, "It's about time!" "I'm sorry. I had something to do and it took longer than I thought," he explains. Still pretty miffed about having to wait, and unwilling to give up that easily, you snap, "What in the world could have been so important that it couldn't wait until tomorrow, after our dinner date?" "Trust me, it was very important and couldn't wait," he promises you. "Well, what was it? Why can't you just tell me?" you press, folding your arms across your chest defiantly. "You wanna know what was so damn important?!" Zayn finally explodes. "This! This is what took me so long!" He throws something at you, that in the dark you can't really see. You turn on the overhead light and pick up the small, square object that's now laying on the floor. You recognize it immediately. "I was picking up that stupid ring for you," Zayn says more calmly after you've opened the lid to reveal the sparkling diamond. You lean over and give him a big kiss on the cheek. "Yes!" you pipe up as you slip the ring on your own finger. Zayn laughs. "Good, now that that's settled, let's go get dinner. I'm starving." You couldn't wipe the smile off your face for that whole night if you tried. Sure, it wasn't the most romantic way to get proposed to, but it's definitly one to tell the grandchildren about one day.

HARRY: Harry had been acting strange all week. He'd been very jumpy whenever you were around. Knowing that something is up, you've been extra aware of anything out of the ordinary that might be taking place. After a few days of snooping around, you finally discover the secret. You find the ring box in his sock drawer one day when you're putting away his laundry. You spend the next few days anxiously awaiting the moment he's going to ask you. He eventually catches on to your slight shift in behavior. "Why have you been acting so funny lately?" he asks. "Who me?" you ask innocently. "I'm not acting funny." "Yes, you are. You've been practically walking on air these last few days." And then it hits him like a ton of bricks. "You know, don't you?" "Know what?" "You saw it, didn't you?" "I don't have the slightest idea what you're talking about." "Liar! You saw the ring!" Unable to keep it in any longer, you happily squeal out, "Ok, fine, yes I did! But I didn't open the box!" Harry hangs his head in amusement. "I can't even keep something like this a secret from you, can I?" he asks good-naturedly. "Well, I was going to wait for a more romantic moment, but I guess now is as good a time as any." He retreats to the bedroom to get the ring and you let out another squeal that resembles that of a baby pig. Upon returning to the room, Harry opens the box and gets down on one knee in front of you. "Will you marry me?" he proposes simply. "Of course I will!" you proclaim excitedly as Harry slips the shimmering ring onto your finger.

LIAM: As an early Christmas present, Liam had taken you to New York City to see a Broadway show. Since the end of the show, you've been enjoying a refreshingly crisp winter day by window shopping in the Big Apple as light snowfall dances all around you. Liam's cheeks, nose, and ears have turned a bright pink shade from the exposure to the chilly air, and you're positive that your face matches his. As your stroll leads you towards Times Square, you can feel the tension beginning to rise around Liam. He stops you in the middle of Times Square and takes a long, shaky breath. You notice that he's fiddling around with something in his pocket. As he pulls whatever it is he's been playing with out of his pocket, he glides down towards the ground, landing swiftly on one knee. He opens the ring box before speaking. "[Y/N], you mean the world to me, and I want you to know that I would do anything to make you happy and keep you that way. I want to spend the rest of my life listening to your beautiful laugh and gazing into your amazing eyes. Would you please make me the luckiest man alive and marry me?" he asks, and you almost don't hear his last few words because your head is spinning in the best way possible, and you are choked up with tears. You nod happily as a few stray droplets trickle down your cheeks. Liam slides the stunning ring onto your finger and stands up to wipe away your tears, pulling you in for a big kiss as he does. A few people who had gathered around you are now clapping, congratulating you two on your engagement.

LOUIS: "Woahhh, baby, come check out this huge bug I just killed!" Louis calls to you from the kitchen. "Ew, no. Why would I want to look at that?" you call back from your place in the living room. "No, really, you have to check this out. It's massive!" "I'm really not interested, thanks. Just throw it away or flush it down the toilet or something." Louis enters the room with a wad of white tissue in his hands. "Just look at it," he insists. "No!" "Come on, you'll never see anything like this again, I guarantee it." "Louis, if you do not get rid of that bug immediately, you will be a very sorry man," you threaten. "What if I stand a few feet away and just open the tissue a little so you can see?" "No, I don't want to see it at all." Louis backs up a few big steps. "Ready?" he asks you as he preps to open a flap in the tissue. Before you can respond or react in any way, he flips the tissue a bit to uncover a glittering diamond ring. Caught off guard, you're rendered speechless for a moment. Louis takes the few steps to close in the gap between you two before getting down in front of you on one knee. "So what do you say? Will you marry your big, macho, bug-killing boyfriend?" he asks you with a cheeky grin. "Yes, of course I will, you nut," you reply with a laugh as he places the ring on your finger and you bend down to meet him for a big kiss.

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