Chapter three

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Cara's POV

Our school was over. Everyone was going home except me and Austin. Blake had asked me if I wanted to go home but I refused. You may be thinking I'm so stupid that I agreed to stay in detention rather than going home. But there's a reason. And the reason is...... I had tried to escape from detention before but I was unsuccessful everytime I tried. So, I agreed to stay in detention.

Austin was sitting right beside me. There was nothing to do. I couldn't even use my phone because Mr. Carroll was in front of us, maybe checking some copies. Though he was checking copies, he easily knows what we are doing. So, there was no way we could use phone without letting him know. As I was feeling really very bored I decided to do my math homework because if I didn't do that I'm damn sure he'll cut my marks again as he did last time. And some people are so rude here that they won't do my homework. By the way, some people means the person who is in detention with me right now.

I had completed almost all sums but I had a little problem with last sum. Since I didn't want to talk with Austin I hesitantly asked him, "Uhh.... Austin can you help me with this sum?"

"Yeah sure."

After thinking for some time he started to explain me about the sum. But I didn't understand what he was saying so I just shouted at him, "Can you explain me clearly?"

"If you're not understanding what I'm explaining then that's not my problem."

"Yeah that's not your problem, I'm your problem, right?"

Austin was about to open his mouth but Mr. Carroll came at that right time and maybe for the first time I was so happy that Mr. Carroll came.

"Ms. Frankel and Mr. Bennett your detention is over. You may leave now." He informed.

We were about to exit but again Mr Carroll stopped and reminded us, "And hope you both remembered that you're gonna arrange shelves from tomorrow."

We both nodded as yes and went. I was the first one to exit.

When I was walking through hallway towards parking lot, I suddenly remembered that Blake was my ride to the home. There was no way that I was going home by walking but there's also no way that I can get a taxi at this time. So I had no other choice than to walk back to home.

Some people were going towards the opposite direction, probably returning from their office. I heard sound of a car coming from back. I turned back to see it none other than Austin. He stopped his car in front of me.

"Want a ride to home?" He asked.

"No. Thanks."


"Yeah sure."

He started his engine. How could he leave a girl in middle of nowhere. It's not that I can't go, but... who wants to walk home when they have ride to home. So I went to passenger seat and slid inside the car. I told him address of my house.

The ride was silent until he asked, "So,why did you change your mind?"

"It's none of your business."

"Right now you're in MY car. So it's my business."

I was about to reply but he interrupted, "I think that's your house."

I turned around to see my house. I went out of car.

"You're welcome." He murmured.

"Thanks." I said understanding what he was trying to say. He wanted me to thank him. I took a step and saw that he had already disappeared in the road.

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