chapter ten

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Cara's POV

I had planned of a movie night for Blake and Daniel with popcorns and cold drinks. Also pizza and chips. But my plan was all in vain when Austin showed up in my home. I don't think my plan will be successfull with him in my home.

My life has been kinda mess since he entered my life. I was doing fine before I texted him that night. And now I regret it.

We were in the couch watching a horror movie. If it was just me then I would leave but it wasn't just me, it was Austin too. But then Daniel said,

"Cara can you please go and bring some other movie CDs from your room and Austin can come and help you."

"Yeah sure."

I got up from the couch and went to my room with Austin behind me.

I took the CDs from my shelf but the's locked. What?? The is locked. No, this can't be happening. I quicked dialed Daniel's number but he didn't pickup the call. Great. Before Austin was here just to interrupt my plan and now he is in my room and are locked inside.

But who cares? All I'm gonna do is watch youtube videos cuz this is my room and I can do whatever I want to do even though someone else is in my room.

I had some chips and cold drinks in my room too. So, I enjoyed my youtube with the food. I was in my bed with my covers covering me upto my belly. I loved my bed. It was so cozy and warm. But again that warmth was taken away from me when Austin came and sat beside me in my bed.

"What the hell are you doing in my bed?" I asked with annoyance filled in my voice.

"There isn't any couch or chair in your room so where else can I sit. And the door is also locked."

What else can I do except for tolerating him. So, I didn't bother to reply. I went back to watching videos.

My eyes so heavy after watching some..........not some a lot of videos. I couldn't even keep them open. And I didn't even realize when I fell into deep sea of sleep.


Next morning I woke up to the warmth striking my face. It was sun rays trying to enter my room crossing the thin fabric of my white curtains with golden and black borders.

I felt a warm hand around my waist. I wished that hand was of Daniel Seavey or even Jonah Marais would be fine. But why would they show up at my house in the morning just to cuddle with me. So I turned to see who it was and when I saw that person I almost died of shock.

"AUSTIN" I shouted at the top of my lungs.

"What the heck Cara? Why are you shouting?"

"What are you doing in my bed with me?" I felt insecured so I hugged myself as tight as possible.

"What?..... I'm in your be.......... WHAT? I'M IN YOUR BED?"


"Oh! maybe I fell asleep while watching the videos."

I went and checked the door. It was unlocked. I'm sure Daniel had locked it yesterday. But why he had to lock my bedroom door? And I was locked whole night with Mr. Arrogant Nerd.

Am I playing cupid or is he playing cupid between me and Austin? Oh my god! Yes he is playing cupid between me and Austin and Blake is with them.

Oh my god! How could I be so stupid?


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