I woke up the next morning earlier than usual Louis was still asleep so i got up and took a shower and got dressed. I was visiting my brother so i had to look good i hadn't seen him in days. http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=90195427 i decided to wear long sleeves so he wouldn't see my scars. As i finished my hair Louis knocked on the bathroom door.
"Rebecca hurry up i have to pee."
"Lou use the other bathroom."
"But i have to go now!"
"ugh" i walked out of the bathroom and downstairs almost everyone was ready. Except Louis who woke up late. i walked over to the couch and sat down being very catious. Of my wrist not wanting them to find out. 10 minutes of awkward silence passed and Louis walked down the stairs dressed and ready.
"Took long enough Lou." Harry said jokingly
"Well i would of finished faster if someone wasn't in the bathroom all morning." he said as he smiled at me.
"Well he is my brother and i always need to look good so i had to take all morning." i said in defense. As i smiled back.
"You always look good." He said as he walked over and kissed me.
"Oh you guys are disgusting lets leave." Harry said jokingly i pulled aways from Louis and smiled. We walked out the door Louis and i rode with Niall and Kat (Who to my suprise were now a couple) It was a long car ride and i knew after we were out of the car i couldn't hang on Louis like i had been. But i tried to get it out of my head. We arrived at the Hospital we were the first there which didn't shock me. We got out and went to Zayn's room.
"Bubba how do you feel?" he looked a lot better but i still asked to be nice.
"I feel better and i can talk now." he said Jokingly and smiled at me.
"Trying to ease the tension are we?" Lou said as he smiled. and sat down Trying to make us laugh and it worked.
"Lou what is with this tweet about rebecca?"
"Oh don't worry Zayn you weren't there to protect her so i did, as a friend"
"Oh okay well thanks, And Becca you could of told me about the Hate i would of stopped it." he said as he looked at me with his protective brother face. i just smiled.
"Zayn i didn't want you to worry about it."
"Becca i wouldn't... okay i would of but still i am your brother."
"But i am the older twin so it doesn't matter." i said as i smiled at him. he rolled his eyes. the other's (Kat and Niall) went to get some food. So it was me Lou and Zayn.