chapiter 1 : Akane

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The wind is cold. It is a cold night of November. I don't remember for how long I have been running, my throat feels dry and I don't think that I can go any further. I'm turning at the next street corner. When I stopped I begun to gasp for air. I didn't thought that I would have made it this far. I took a look down. I looked at the baby in my arms, my daughter. She look a lot like me. The only thought on what I am going to do make me want to cry. Even if I have met her just now. I would have liked to raise her with my nine year-old son, but I can't. Not with them after her.

So I begun to walk till I stopped in front a house. "Sabari " was write on the mailbox. The light were off. So I begin to walk to the door and laid the baby before the door. I took a piece of paper were I began to write her name on it before setting it in her blanket. I pushed on the doorbell and began to walk away.

I hope you will be okay my dear daughter.

It was my last thought after looking at her one last time.

Akira Sabari Pov.

I woke up when I heard the doorbell. I gave a look to the clock. It was 3 o'clock.

Man. Who would come here at this hour. I thought. So I got out of my bed and walked downstairs. I unlock the door only to see no one in front of me. I was about to close the door, when I hear some noise coming from down. When I looked from where the sound came. I saw something that I didn't excepted. It was a baby. I quickly took the baby inside and went upstairs to wake my husband up.

" Toru-kun, wake up." I began to whisper so that I wouldn't wake the baby up.

" Why did you wake me up at ..." He groaned " AT 3 HOUR IN THE MORNING!" He yelled.

" Don't yell. You will wake the baby up." I whisper-yelled . He looked at me with widen eyes . He then became really pale and he ...fainted.Oh man, why did I marry such a idiot. I thought myself. After Turo-kun woke up we went downstairs and walked in the living room.

" Why would someone left a newborn baby in front of our house?" asked my husband.

" I don't know Toru-kun." I answer.

" Maybe it's a singe. We wanted to be parents and now we have the chance to become parents." Toru-kun say. Maybe he his right, I've always wanted to be a mother. But I couldn't have children and we had already discusses about adoption, so I would be a good idea to adopt this baby. And this baby have nowhere to go.

" You're right Toru-kun. But is it a boy or a girl?" I said.

"Lets discover it then." said my husband. When I began to undo the blanket I notice a piece of paper in it. I took it and said out loud what was written on it :

 " Akane." I looked at my husband.

" Looks like it is a girl." said Toru-kun. After that we went back to sleep and took Akane with us in bed.

"Welcome in the family Akane." I said before closing my eyes.

Next day.

After sleeping 5 more hours we decided to wake up. So it's was 8 o'clock.

After we at breakfast I went out to go to the supermarket to buy baby milk and other baby things that a baby would need. Then I went back home. When I enter  the living room I found Toru-kun playing with Akane. The both of them we're smiling and laughing.

So I went to the kitchen to prepare Akane's bottle.

" Honey, can you take Akane to the kitchen please?"I asked him.

" Yeah." He answers me. So when they both enter the kitchen, I took Akane and began to feed her.

" After that you will go to a baby shop to buy her clothes and a baby chair while I will stay here and look for a crib on internet. And when your back we will go make a adoption document. And we will use the second guest room as Akane's room. And ...."I said before my husband interrupted me.

" Calm down. We will first buy her clothes, then a baby seat for the car, buy her a pushchair and then make the adoption document." said Toru-kun.

So after ten minutes Toru-kun went out to buy these thing while I was looking on internet. When he came back we dressed Akane, installed the baby seat in the car and set the pushchair in the car before going to the town hall to fill the adoption document. Then we went to the baby shop buy her a crib. It was a old fashion crib, but it was a pretty one so we took it. When we came back home we had to feed and change Akane 's pamper. She felt quickly asleep after that. We let her sleep on our bed. While she was sleeping we went to Akane's new room and began to assemble the crib. When we were done it was already late. So we took Akane to her room and Toru-kun wanted to sleep with her, so he toke the bed in the guest room. It only been two days since we know her and he is already attached to her .

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