chapter 9: heritage

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Akane pov

I don't know what happened after I lose consciousness. But when I woke up, I was in some luxury and big bed. The room itself make me think about the one of a princess in fairy tales. I sat up and looked around. I didn't really saw something out of the ordinary. But I felt something on my leg. I looked at it and realise it was a him. Mika was half laying on the bed and looked to be sleeping. And I felt nothing. No sadness, hate or anger for the death of my siblings in the orphanage. I feel like I am empty, a doll whit who you can do anything.  I didn't even realize that Mika had woken up.

"AKANE." He cried in... Joy or was is relief or worry. I don't know, I stopped to pay notice in this. And he hugged me. I could feel his tears fall on my shoulder. He said something but I didn't hear it, or I didn't wanted to hear it. All I know is that the door opened and the pink haired vampire that proclaimed be my mother enter the room.

"I am happy to see you awake, my dear." She said happily. But I know that it isn't true. I already saw some vampires in the capital use the same tone as her when they want something.
She took steps towards us. Mika stood protectively in front of me.
"What do you want?" He asked in a protective manner.

"What? I can't go visit my daughter." She said. I didn't flinch, I didn't felt anything when she called me 'daughter'.

"You lie. You aren't my mother." I said. I didn't need to feel anything to know it.

" I'm not lying. We are related by blood. And if you don't believe me, then take a look." She said and took a folder and then gave it to me. I took it and opened it.

Project hybrid 30
Akane Tepes

These letters were written in big black letter on the folder. There was a photo of a newborn in a tub. There are numbers and letters at the bottom of the tub. These letters have nothing to do with my name. I looked at the rest of the document. There were a lot of difficult words that I don't understand and some grafics that must measure I know what. But there was a thing I understood, the names written and in big green letters "compatible". One of the names was Krul Tepes. It showed indeed that she was my biological mother. I nearly didn't dared to look at the name of my biological father, but my eyes turned to it. A thousand of questions flowed through my mind.

Who was he? What is he? Did he know I exist? What does he looked like?...

And so on. I don't know what I felt when I looked at his name, was is sadness? Was is happiness? Joy? I don't don't know anymore. Everything is so confusing and I don't know what is happening anymore. But my father was Tenki Ichinose. The man who had saved me 7 years ago and told me that we would meet again, was my father. I remember how I would call him "my adult boy version" because he looked like me, but he had violet eyes. Something wet was going down my cheeks and falling on the documents. It were tears. Tears of sadness and happiness. Sadness because I could never tell him and happiness because he was my father. And I would have wanted nobody else being my father.

" Akane! Are you alright? Why are you crying?" Asked a worried Mika. I looked away from the folder to look at him.

"I'm okay Mika." It was all that I could say.

"But you're crying. You're not okay." He nearly yelled at me as he grabbed my arms. All the eventment that had happened was too much for him and lose his temper.

" Because I am happy. Tenki-san is father, that's why I am happy." I answered him. He looked less worried and gain a bit of his could back. He lessed the grip on my arms , but didn't let go.

"Yes, Tenki Ichinose was indeed your father. But he is also the one who took you away from me." She said in a sadded tone.

" Don't trust her. She lies" I heard my vampire self say. I had widen my eyes wide open, I hadn't except her to talk so suddenly. I thought she would not appear, that she was gone and for good. But her presence make me feel relieved.

"Are you sure?" I asked her mentally. I would not say it out loud, it could make them think that I am crazy or something.

"The inscription on the photo." I remember it, it was rare and it didn't made any sense.
"It is the proof that we are an experiment. We aren't mean to be alive." An experiment? It is what I am? An experiment. I clenched my fists.

"He saved me. Twice, he cared about me." I shot back. She smirked.

"Really? Then why did he never took you in?" She asked. My mind felt blank, I didn't know what to answer.
" It is what I thought. But let me tell you something, he wasn't chosen to be your father for nothing."
Anger grew more inside of me. Tenki-san must have a good reason for it. And she left the room.  Mika who didn't left my side and was still in between me and the door.

"Who was she?" I asked Mika. His hands let go of my arms and his face sadded.

" From what I understood, she is the vampire queen in Japan. And from what she says, she is your mother." He answers. The queen.
" And it's not everything. I learned the truth about the orphanage, we were all Guinea pigs for something forbidden." And he looked down while talking, like he was ashamed.  Again. Again I was being an experiment. Is it really everything I am? I looked once again at the folder. A photo of Tenki-san was held on the side by a paperclip next to mine when I was four. I took it in my hands and looked at it. It was the only thing that could make me smile at this time.

"Mika." I called. He looked up.

"Yes?" He answers.

" I would like to know more about my father." I say. I wanted to know why they had chosen him. Why he had set me in a human family. I wanted to know him more. I didn't said anything out loud , but Mika looked like he had read my thoughts.

" Then let me help you." He said with determination. And he went out too. And me? I couldn't get out of the bed because of two female vampires that didn't let me out. At the end of the day, I think, Mika came back.

"Mika." I say cheerfully. He panted and went next to me on the bed.

" I know who your father was, Akane." He said once he could breath normally again.

"Tell me." I say . I wanted to know. To know who my father, Tenki-san, really was.

" He was the greatest vampire hunter knew before the apocalypse. He had killed servals vampires." Mika told me. I was happy to know this. Even if it wasn't much, I felt like I am a bit closer to him now.
And I don't feel like I am an experiment now.

I know who I am now and what my heritages are.

I am the vampire queen and the hunter's daughter. I am the vampire hybrid princess .

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