chapter 10:

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Two months later.

It has been two months since we had tried to escape the vampire city. Two months since Yuichiro escape and our little siblings died. And two months since Mika became a vampire and I discovered my heritage. In these two months I have been studying and studying. It was always that. Because I am the princess I need to know table manner, reading correctly, writing without grammar or vocabulary faults, politics, how to comport myself in front of other noble vampires and fighting. I can't even go outside the palace to go in the vampire city. Fortunately Mika comes sometimes to save me from all these heavy studies and boredom. I am only twelve year old! They can't expect me to be perfect and to know all these. For the vampire part, my vampire self that I named Hoka (  means other) helps me. She told me all the abilities of the vampires, their ranks in strength and so on. I learn to know her or myself. And I learned that I was a third prognitor, just like Krull. I don't call her mom of mother because she will never be a mother to my eyes, I saw how she acted and the mother-daughter thing is only for show. Mika on the other hand is also really busy, he is being trained to be a soldier in the vampire army. And he refused to drink blood, well at least human blood, he only drink Krull's blood. He would like to be human again, but drinking vampire blood won't help him, because it is when you drink vampire blood that your body transform in one. So all what Mika is doing is to slow his full transformation and it would make his thirst more painful in the coming moths and I know he won't  be able to resist to it entirely. and me on the other hand have already drink human blood, and I am not really proud of it. At first I didn't wanted to, but they forced through my throat. They said that it isn't polite  not to drink blood at least one time when you're around other nobles .

"Akane-hime-sama." I turned around and saw a seventh prognitor who I can call a friend, Crowley Eusford. He has red hair with a long thin black braid. He is usually with two other female vampires, Chess and Horn.

" Crowley-san." I replied happily. Crowley is my teacher in swordsmanship and sometimes in close combat. He wear his usual noble clothes that almost every vampire wear, but his was a bit open revealing a bit of his toned chest, he had black boots on and his medieval looking vampire sword was hanging on his left side. While what I wore wasn't even chosen by me, I had rather the 'livestock' uniform on or a normal vampire outfit like the one I see the other vampires wear than what I have. Which is a pitch black dress going a bit above my knees and red like strings hanging from it. In other words, I hated this outfit. It was a bit too much out of what I am used to wear and a bit provocative.

"And please just Akane is fine. The hime-sama is a bit too much." Since I have been officially proclaimed as Krull biological child and named the Princess of the vampires ( at least in Japan), the nobility began to call me hime-sama. They don't do it only by respect, but also to gain my favor and have a higher position in the vampire world. But Crowley-san is different, he doesn't care about his social position, he is even saying that he his a 13th prognitor while he is a 7th.

" I know. But the 'hime-sama' suit you." He responds. I don't know if he said it to tease me or if he is serious, vampires are often difficult to read. And we started to walk through the palace.

"Are you going to train me today, Crowley-san?" I asked him, since most of the time while he is here it is for my training. But I don't mind him being here for another reason, he isn't only my teacher after all. 

"No, not today. I came for political matters that will be discussed in today's meeting." He answers me. it shouldn't have surprise me, Crowley-san is the highest ranked vampire in Nagoya so it is natural that he is the one in charge of the city. But it also mean that he has to go back , meaning that he can't be here too often. But I am happy when he comes, even if he like to tease me. I guess I looked a bit depressed for him to ask me this.

"Are you alright Akane?" I looked up to him. for him to call me only 'Akane' and not the 'Hime-sama' mean he was serious. But if I tell him that i don't want to stay in these walls and go out, will he react in a good way like I except or will he react like Krull that say it is not for someone like me to hang out with livestock. 

"I would like to go out. it's been two months since the 'miraculous princess thing' and Krull won't let let go out. I'm dying in here without You or Mika being around to save me of my boredom." I told him, lying to a vampire wasn't really a good thing, because vampires have  very very good hearing, so they can't easily say when you're are lying or not by listening to your heartbeat. All he did was letting out some chuckles as an answer. I was a bit embarrassed by it, it was like a three year old asking to play with someone. 

"Only for that?" He says and I nod. 

"You don't know how lonely it is in here all alone, and its not like I don't know what is said behind my back neither." I reply, he isn't the one that is locked up in the same room for hours only studying. Me and Hoka had tried to destroy the door once and it was like there was a lot of weigh on it. And we have the strength of a third prognitor for fucks sake. And I know that some vampires are calling me unnatural and other hurtful names because I wasn't create naturally, only because I was create in a tub with Krulls and Tenki-san's cells. Crowley-san's eyes open wide, he mustn't have excepted me to know it.

"Ah" Was all he could say. and soon we reached the meeting room, we bid each other our goodbyes and I went to walk once again in that big castle that is my house ( for now).

But after having know how the other nobles called me and when I saw the humans and vampire behavior towards each other in the city for 4 years and how the humans are treated by the vampires. I thought about a  project or a goal, because I will make it become reality. I would like to make a land or a part of japan become a place where vampires and humans can live without hating each other, but more like working together.  

But first, I have to find a way to go out of this place.

dear readers, 

there won't be any updates for a while. My exams are next week and I will have to work a lot, because my grades are not at their best.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2017 ⏰

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