1) Don't Leave Me, Please? [Ao No Exorcist Fanfic]

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(Hey hey hey, quick note!! Sorry if I have weird spelling or plot holes or I just plain sound stupid, Like in a future chapter its clear I do not now about guns at all haha. I wrote this when I was like 12 I had no idea what I was doing I just loved the anime! Anyway please enjoy anyway! <3)

Blue flames surrounded the roof top as well as two boys. Rin stared at his brother, bleeding, hurt, broken, bruised and he gaped. Half of the boy in front of him had the aspects of a demon, sharp claws, terrifying cat-like eyes with a red pupil and demonic blue flames coming from his skin. Though, his other half looked like a lost and broken little brother. No one moved. Yukio, held a gun to his brothers chest, but desperately fought the demon inside.

"No!" Yukio screamed ripping the gun from his brothers aim. "I won't do it!" he screamed.

"You have to, I am in control of you!" his "father" inside of him screamed. He aimed the gun at Rin again.

"YUKIO!" Rin desperately screamed, he reached his hand out. "I know your in there! You can fight!" he mustered a reassuring smile.

Yukio barely fought and reached for Rin's hand. His brother meant more to him than anything else and he was determined to fight his father even if he was the "King of Hell". The twins grabbed each others hands. A gun shot rang out and Yukio's one human eye was wide. He let his gurad down and his right hand was under control again and it hit his brother in the stomach.

Rin and Yukio as well as anyone else on the roof gaped at what had happened. Rin fell to the side, dropping his brothers hand. With what little control Yukio had left, he pointed the end of the gun at his own head.

"NO! I'LL DIE AND TAKE YOU WITH ME BASTARD!" he screamed with tears falling from his eyes.

Rin shakily stood up, with blood pouring from his gun shot wound and began to yell at Yukio.

"What the hell! Don't you dare do something like that! Goddammit Yukio! Don't be so stupid!"

"I can't risk it!" Yukio cried "Rin I love you!" he was hysterically sobbing.

Once more a shot rang out...

"AHHHHH!" Rin sat straight up screaming, and threw his cat off his chest.

"What the hell Ri- OW!" Yukio, across the room, sat straight up and slammed the wall with his head.

Kuro, Rin's demon cat, made a distressed meow that Rin could understand as "RIN-KUN!"

Dim moonlight poured through the window illuminating the twins' hair and Rin's unfinished homework. The world outside was serene and peaceful, the exact opposite of inside the dorm.Tears poured from Rin's eyes, he had been sobbing in his sleep as in his dream.

"R-Rin?" Yukio looked at his brother. Rin stared into space with tears down his face, glowing from the white light of the full moon.

Yukio rubbed his eyes and put his glasses on, he threw the covers off. He cautiously walked over to Rin. With a light tough he placed his hand on Rin's shoulder. Clearly on the defensive, Rin jumped up and stared wide eyed at Yukio. His amazing blue eyes were rimmed with tears that streamed down his face.

"Yukio!" he sobbed. "Thank god!" he jumped up and hugged him. "Your alive" Rin sobbed into Yukio's shoulder "If you had died...I just..I couldn't live" tears continued to stream down his face. Yukio was stunned at his brothers reaction. He lightly patted Rin's back

Everything that happened that night was traumatizing to even anyone who had even seen what happened, let alone be the one threatening suicide. For most of Rin's life, Yukio had been his only real friend, and to have something like that almost ripped away in seconds it hurt like hell. The poor boy already watched his father die in front of his face, even if not his biological father, that pain was nothing to a gun shot or bite from a demon even being stabbed was nothing to the pain he felt. Watching his brother die would have been at least ten-times traumatizing.

Don't Leave Me, Please? [Ao No Exorcist Fanfic] (RinxYukio)Where stories live. Discover now