Chapter VIII

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Owen woke up on a surprisingly soft bed, since he must have been put here by the ghost king. He sat up and looked at his surroundings. There was a brick fireplace, two windows, a brown door, and of course the soft white bed he was laying on.
Owen got up and peered at one of the windows. Although it seemed the ghost king had made sure he couldn't go through it, he had forgotten how nimble young ghosts really were. There was a centimeter of a gap under the glass. Owen could just barely squeeze through.
The window sort of made a popping noise when the last of him squeezed out.
Before anyone could notice he was gone, Owen scrambled away.
He flew like the wind to the nearest forest, and tried to sense the time machine's presence to see where it was. He ran as fast as lightning to the tingly sensation.
What time period was he in? That was all he could think. When he reached the time machine, the little screen said he was in 1947. He has to go about 80 years back! Or Rebecca and Micah had to go 80 years forward. But how would they know that?
Building up his confidence, he rushed forward to the machine and snuck in. Luckily, the one running the time machine's controls at the moment was one of his friends from when he was just becoming a ghost. He stood up and they did their greetings.
"Where do you want to go?" Ashley asked him.
"Why are we whispering?" Owen questioned.
"The ghost king said if I saw you I needed to drag you to him," Ashley replied.
"Oh," said Owen worriedly. "1865."
Ashley zapped him there, but not before whispering a worried, "Good luck!"
Owen figured he would probably need it.
"OWEN!" Owen heard as he stepped into 1865. "Where were you? We were so worried!"
"Yeah. 'We,'" Micah muttered.
All of a sudden, they heard footsteps.
"Someone's coming! Hide!" Owen whispered.
All three of them ran into the nearest building, which happened to be a general store. All three of them crouched in a corner. Then Owen used his ability to make them invisible. As he walked past, Micah and Rebecca let out a sigh of relief. Owen stayed quiet.
"What's wrong Owen?" Rebecca asked Owen.
"Shhh. That was the ghost king disguised."


Hi! I can't believe how hard it is to update soon enough! I'm sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sorry! It's way too short for all that time I took isn't it? Sorry! Intense huh? You won't believe what happened today! So lately I've been having stomach pains after breakfast. I have art first thing at school. During art I was squirming like I've never squirmed before. It hurt that bad. So then, right after art I got ready to go to p.e., And you know how right after you wake up your vision is fuzzy? My vision completely fuzzed over. And everyone in front of me must have headed to p.e., Because my art teacher said "is something wrong?" And I told her I couldn't see. So my teacher and my art teacher took me to the nurse, and when I got there my temp was 95.4! So mom had to bring me home, doi! But yeah... So I missed p.e., Tech, lunch, math:'(, groups, basically a lot of stuff because mom had to bring me home. But the best part is, I finally got to update this for you guys! I am really sorry that I keep updating way too late.
Anyways, Love you guys! -Love, Pink

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