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Hey guys! You are probably wondering why this story has started over. Well, I decided that I didn't really like how it was going, and I wanted to make the chapters much longer! It will still be the same sort of story line, but I'm going to change it. I'm really sorry if you don't like it but this is what I want to do! I also want to make a lot of chapters! So I will try my best!

*Annie's POV*

"That's the end of the vlog today! I'll see you tomorrow!", I scream down the camera. That was my signature finish to every single one of my vlogs. Vlogging is my life, it's what I live for. The money, the fame, actually, just kidding, I do it because that is what I love to do! I head downstairs to where my 12 year old sister Hayley is sitting. She's busy watching Liv and Maddie, like every 12 year old would do. I let out a big sigh and flop down on the couch. I still enjoy watching Liv and Maddie, even though I'm 16 years old, turning 17 in december. I've been vlogging on YouTube for as long as I can remember. We used to vlog as a family for years! Since I was about 8 years old. Daily vlogging was a big part of our lives. Our channel was called 'Bratayley', emphasing the was. It was called 'Bratayley', after my sister Hayley, she was a brat so we merged that and her name together. But anyway, that's not the point. 6 years ago, when I was 10 years old, we were vlogging our daily lives, just like every single other day. Hayley lost a tooth that day, and she looked so cute! But that's not the point. At 7.08pm, my brother Caleb Logan LeBlanc, passed away. Our vlog was up late that night because we couldn't comprehend, what had just happened. He started feeling chest pains and unwell at around 6.30, so my dad gave him some pain medication and sent him to bed. He always felt unwell, and doing that always worked. I signed out the end of the day with Hayley, asking our viewers the question of the day before I heard a big scream coming from downstairs. I knew my mum had gone downstairs to check on Caleb, just to see how he was feeling. That scream is something I will never, ever forget. It sounded horrific. We all ran downstairs, and there layed Caleb on his bed, unresponsive. Dad called 911, and they came, the rushed him to the hospital. Mum went in the ambulance with him, and Dad, Hayley and I followed in suit. We arrived at the hospital around 7 and they rushed him into a critical care room. I sat in the waiting room with Hayley. We held each other in our arms. We knew that his life was at stake. The one thing I will never forget, is my dad walking out of the room, staring at the ground, feeling so weak that he couldn't even look Hayley and I in the eyes. And those two words he said, scarred me for life... "He's Gone". Every single night, for days, months, weeks and years, I think of those two words. He passed away on the 1st October 2015 at 7.08pm, of Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy.

Everything kinda went downhill from there. Mum and dad started to blame themselves for his death, even though it clearly wasn't, as he died of natural causes. Mum started to become depressed and was on anti depressants, but they were making her worse. Much worse. She started screaming at us, screaming at dad, leaving and not coming back for a few days. We all got really worried. We would do anything we could to help her, but nothing would ever work. Things got so bad, that one day, she slapped my dad across the face. And that was the end of everything. Dad couldn't deal with it anymore, so he decided to leave. He moved to California. He needed a new start, so did I, a fresh one. But sadly, I stayed here in Maryland due to my commitments with gymnastics. It took me a while to get back into gymnastics after Caleb died, but I'm still in love with the sport. Mum slowly got better and she is just about back to how she used to be. Apart from, none of us will ever be the same again. Hayley has not talked to dad ever since he left, neither has mum. But I go and see him every summer. I spend the whole summer with him. I understand why he left, but mum and Hayley don't.

He lives with his new wife, Julia and there kids and my half sisters, Emma and Jade. He lives on his own private beach, in a massive flash home. It's seriously amazing. I try to tell mum and Hayley about it, but they don't want a bar of it. Dad always makes sure I'm spoiled.

Speaking of my dad...

"Annie!", he screams for the phone.
"Dad!", I reply.
"How's things going?"
"Great! My bags are packed and I couldn't be more excited to come! Especially now that I'm old enough to do lots of things by myself!"
"I can't wait to see you, baby girl, and neither can Emma and Jade. I have to go, but I just wanted to make sure everything was ok! Tell Hayley I love her and I love you too, see you tomorrow", he hangs up.

He tells me to tell Hayley that he loves her every single time. But I don't. It makes me feel guilty, but I know that she won't have a bar of him. I give Hayley and kiss on her head and tell her I love her. I want to tell her dad loves her, but I just can't. I head upstairs to my room and slouch over on my bed. I open up my laptop and click on my YouTube page. My new video should be uploaded in 9 minutes. I check how many subscribers I have and I'm close to 3 million now. Not too far away. Bratayley is no longer a channel, well it is, but no one uploads on it. It just has all our videos, so we can remember Caleb. That was the great thing about vlogging back then. I'm the only one who vlogs now, and my channel is 'Annie LeBlanc '. I get into bed and turn the light out. It's going to be a long, long day tomorrow and I couldn't be more excited.

I can't wait to spend my summer in California!

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