TWELVE| "Thank you, Kai,"

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I widen my eyes at Kai and just stand there confused.

"What?"I dazed, staring at Kai who turns to face me.

"You can stay at with me."He pauses, then continues, "That's if you want though."

That's a great idea!

No, of course, I thought about this and balanced the good and bad of this idea idea. Maybe the bad outweighed the good but, beggars can't be choosers.

"Don't you live with your dad?"I ask, hoping for a no because, I can not live with that Squidward and luckily, the answer was no and apparently he has his own place but it was nearby to his father place.

"Well, what if he comes and sees me?"I question.

If Kai's dad does see me that would be a big problem since me and Kai have officially broken off our engagement. Kai only broke the news to his dad a few weeks ago and apparently, his dad didn't have much to say.

"Well, we just have to make sure you don't appear in front of him and anyways he doesn't visit as often," Kai states, shrugging his shoulders.

That sounds fun

"Fine," I mumbled, after a moment of silence. Kai silently nods and turns around, walking towards his car. After he'd managed to put all my luggage in his car, we sat in silence as he drove straight.

I should ask a few questions before entering the Devils Den.

"Do you have a pet?!" I ask, way too enthusiastically.

Kai pulls a sour face and shatters my dreams with a "no", I pout and slump back in my seat.

"Do you think you'll ever get a pet?" I pout, asking Kai. Without a hesitation or pause, Kai responds, "oh no way."

"why not? " I sigh and frown, crossing my arms

"Firstly, I like my things clean and without fur and secondly, I don't have the time to look after a pet," He explains, as he stops at a traffic light

"But they're so cute," I state, looking a Kai

Kai just sniggers, "Yeah until they start tearing up your furniture apart and peeing everywhere,"

"Think of the good things like they are a great company and nice to cuddle when you're sad," I tell Kai but, he justs tuts and shakes his head at me. Dumbass!

After a 30-minute drive, we end up at a very posh and rich looking road with only massive mansions in a row. Kai drives all the way to the house on the edge surrounded by a tall and black gate, I notice Kai entering a code.

"The codes 3798" Kai informs me, and I quickly save it on my phone because knowing my goldfish memory I'd probably get locked outside.

Kai parks right outside the hou-mansion and gets out and I follow along, a young and neatly dressed man walks out of the house, taking the keys from Kai.

"My luggage's?!" I called, as the man got into the car and started driving away.

"Don't worry, he's just parking the car and your luggage's will be delivered to your room" he states and I release a breath of relief.

Rich people!

Kai leads me inside his beautiful and neat mansion, it was similar to his father's mansion the only difference was the decor, Kai's was much more modern and the colour scheme much nicer. A mix of white and black.

I wrap my hands around myself due to how cold this place actually was, my teeth even start to slightly chatter. Kai turns to me and takes off his grey zip-up hoodie, leaving him only in a plain white tee.

Kai hands his hoodie to me, which I instantly take and wrap it around me, the warmth of the hoodie already warming me up.

"Let me just turn the heating on," Kai says, disappearing somewhere through a door and reappearing back.

"Sorry, I usually spend more time in my office and hardly come home," Kai states, walking ahead.

"Do you have a room in your office?" I ask, curious

"No, I have a sofa but I usually just fall asleep on my chair for a few hours," he simply says, as if it was normal for him. But it wasn't...

"You shouldn't overwork yourself you know, and how can you not miss coming home. The best part of my job is coming back home," I tell Kai, who walks up the long and very rich looking stairs

"I'm to busy," he mutters. Wow... That's sad.

Kai gives me a side smile as we come to a halt and speaks, "this is your room, my room is just end of this hallway," he points to the other end of the hallway, to another white door.

"Thank you, Kai,"I honestly say, I was actually really grateful for him helping me, despite him not knowing me that well.

"Your welcome. You're probably starving, I'll let you settle in then you can come down to eat," Kai says, walking past and ruffling my hair as he walks away.

Not the hair!

I enter the room, to be faced with a white and grey coloured room which consisted of a queen size bed in the middle and two doors and my guess where that one was the bathroom and the other a walk-in closet.

And my guess was right, the walk-in closet and bathroom were probably bigger than my old bedroom while the room was probably bigger than my whole apartment.

I run around the room, enjoying the space and freedom and finally land on the bed as I spread out in the middle, enjoying the comfort.

I could finally feel the warmth of the heater as it instantly warmed the room up wrapping me around warmth.

I take of Kai's hoodie and place it on my lap as I sat in the middle of the bed with my legs crossed.

Maybe Kai was just as homeless as I was.

Even though he had a place to call home, he was still homeless.

Deep...Shut up Ava...


Thank you guys for the lovely and supportive comments really means a lot and motivates me to update❤️😘

Thank you for reading, commenting and voting!!

Love you all and adios❤️❤️

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