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March 2, 2013

"Mamí?" came her daughter's tiny voice, tugging at her dress softly, not knowing what was going on.

Lifting her two and a half year-old body into the air, Catalina propped Nora against her chest, "Yes, princesa?" she smiled, looking at her big brown eyes that resembled her soon-to-be-husband so.

"Why are you so dressed up? And why am I gonna throw flowers, and why is Leo holding rings? Also, why is papí so hands—"

Her mom's chuckle cut off her earnest ramblings, as she seemed to forget that their children understood nothing.

"You see, princesa, papí and I are getting married."

"What does married mean?" Nora asked innocently.

"It means that we're together forever, and you're gonna throw pretty flowers to make the place look pretty, while Leo will give us the rings to show our love," she explained as simply as possible.

Nora's pretty face crinkled with confusion as her mother kissed her cheek, "But you always told us that love comes from the heart and not from rings."

Pondering it for a moment, Catalina brushed back her daughter's hair, "We love each other on the inside, and the rings just show it on the outside."

Cuddling into her mother's side, Nora hummed in understanding, while Pilar Ramos pinned back Catalina's hair in a stunning bun with a few hazelnut strands framing the bride's elegant face.

Her makeup, which consisted of a simple layer of light pink lipstick, mascara, and smoky eyes, was already applied, and she stood in her regal slim-fitted, long-sleeved, lace-adorned v-neck dress, and all that remained was for her to claim the bouquet of flowers and walk out to meet her Mr.Torres.

A knock came on the door, and Nora hopped down to run outside to the spectacular venue. Breathing in deeply, Catalina smoothed down the front of her dress, grabbed the flowers from her mother, who was sniffing as she watched her only daughter walk away to start a new chapter of her life.

Escorted by her father at the door, she pulled down her veil as she walked tentatively down the aisle, the Bridal March ringing in her ears.

Finally having reached the altar, Catalina kissed her father's cheek, whose grey eyes were tearing up as he watched her leave them behind.

"Gracias, papí," she mumbled, and he understood that it wasn't just for walking her down the aisle.

Looking up from her silvery veil she saw her Fernando, her beautiful freckled soon-to-be husband.

His short brown hair groomed to perfection, his mouth wide open in shock and awe of her intimidating beauty, his enchantingly dark eyes glistening as he thought that after that night, she would become officially his.

Soon, their hands were entwined, as they had stuck by simple traditional vows. Their eyes not straying from each other, they remained enamored by the other's presence, oblivious to the fifty or so attendants.

"I, Catalina Laresque Sanz Jiminez, take you, Fernando José Torres Sanz, for my lawful husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and health, until death do us part."

Slipping on his ring, she grinned like a fool up at him. In return, he slipped on the wedding ring in front of everyone.

"I, Fernando José Torres Sanz, take you, Catalina Laresque Sanz Jiminez, for my lawful wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and health, until death do us part."

The priest smiled softly at the couple that seemed to be more in love than anything.

"Catalina Laresque Sanz Jiminez and Fernando José Torres Sanz, in so much as the two of you have agreed to live together in Matrimony, have promised your love for each other by these vows, the giving of these rings and the joining of your hands, I now declare you to be husband and wife," they grinned, knowing what was to happen, and Fernando pushed back her veil, revealing her glowing face, "You may now kiss the bride."

Smashing their lips in a heart-melting kiss as husband and wife, a Pilar and Sergio wolf whistled, being the typical fun couple they are.

Fernando pulling her closer by the back,  Catalina wrapped her arms around him, watching from the corner of her eye her parents take Nora and Leo to stay with them while they run off to Vienna, Austria for their honeymoon.

Pulling back breathlessly, her husband's eyes twinkled with mischief, "C'mon, Mrs.Torres. Cinderella's dress is gonna disappear by midnight," he whispered huskily, his voice sending shivers down her spine.

Squealing as he picked her up bridal style, he ran out of the church.


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