4. Collide

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A/N: New chapter!
Hope you enjoy! 

[not edited]

~Hunter xx. 

Louis POV

“Harry, wha--” My words were cut off by a pair of lips forcefully being pressed to mine. I didn’t register it until after he tried to pull away. He pulled away as I was just about to kiss him back.

“I’m sorry, I thought that you wanted that,” Harry continued to ramble on until I put my hand over his mouth.

“Just stop, I wanted that but it just took me by surprise,” I spoke as I put my arms around his neck and brought him down to my level. I crash my lips to his and we start to move our lips against each others.

I jump out of bed and my heart was beating out of my chest. That dream felt so real, but I knew that it wasn’t. As I controlled my breathing I looked to my side and noticed that Harry was still fast asleep, figures he was always a heavy sleeper.

He was on his back with his legs straight down in front of him and one arm above his head while the other one was positioned to where it would have been under my back. I slowly removed the covers from me as I got off the bed, I slipped on my glasses and I walked over to the doors that led out to the balcony. Whenever I needed to think I would always come out here to clear my head.

The sun was just coming up as they rays were peaking through the trees. I watched as the birds flew around the sky, I watched as this little family of ducks got across the street, and then I watched a couples engagement. It put a smile to my face, and then I looked down to my lap.

I started to really, really think of my feelings for Harry, I knew that I liked him, but I don’t know how much I do. I knew that my heart sped up every time I talked about him, see him and speaking to him directly. I smiled wider when he did, it’s just so hard to explain, and he just makes my heart skip a beat.

I ran a hand through my hair and sighed heavily. I looked down at my watch and noticed it was only about seven. I yawned a bit as I stretched and came to the conclusion to go back to sleep. I stand up from the chair and I walk back into my room shutting the doors behind me and locking them.

I notice that Harry shifted in his sleep and it’s going to be quite interesting with how I will be able to get on the bed. He is now eagle spread on his stomach with his head facing my side of the bed. I stop myself, I’m already referring to a side as my side, I need to slow down with this.

I walk to the other side of the bed and I slip off my glasses before pulling Harry’s arm up as I slipped under it. I moved myself to where my back is aligned with his side and his face in my neck. When I got settled I felt Harry nuzzle his head into the back of my neck as his arm curls around me and pulls me more into his side.

I smile as I close my eyes and can’t help but think, best friends act like this, right?


“Lou, time to wake up.” I heard a voice speak to me right in my ear. The way that their breath was hitting my skin was make me shiver. My body shook and I just thought to myself, ‘well I’m awake now.’ I opened my eyes and I noticed that I was directly on top of a bare chest. But, just not any bare chest, it was Harry’s. I moved my head up and looked to see Harry smiling down at me.

“So, I must make a good pillow, huh?”

“You are warmer than a pillow as stated as I nuzzled my head into his neck.”

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