8. Amusement Park

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A/N: Sorry for the wait, and this chapter is an ultimate tease, oops.


~Hunter xx.

[[not edited]]


“Mom I’m going to Lou’s I’ll see you later,” Harry yelled up the stairs.

“Alright, don’t come back too late!” She yells back as Harry walked through the house. He carefully shuts the front door and walks the short distance to Louis’ house.

His fingers were tapping lightly on his thighs as he pictured the piano music in his head, he smiled slightly when he knew he was getting there, with just a bit more practice he should be fine.

He gets to the house and walks right in, “Oh hey Harry,” Louis’ father greeted Harry.

“Hello, sir. Lou up yet?”

“Nope, he’s still snoozing away in his bed.”

“Good to know,” Harry kicks off his shoes and slips off his coat before he walks to Lou’s room. He peers open the the door and see’s that Louis is cuddled up to a teddy bear that he had gotten him a few years ago.

Harry pulls out his phone and was about to snap a picture when a voice startled him, “Don’t you even dare,” Harry looks down and noticed that Louis had opened his eyes.

Harry pouted, “But, you look so cute.”

“Harry, no or I will break your phone.”

“You’re no fun.”

“I am loads of fun.”

“Nope. Anyways, get dressed I wanna go to the new amusement park in town.”

“As long as you don’t make me go on the monkey cages.”

“But, those are the best!”

“Do you want a repeat of what happened last time?” Harry cringed and shook his head furiously, “Thought so.”

Louis peeled back the covers and Harry noticed that he was just wearing a pair of tight boxers. Harry’s face flushed and Louis looked to him, “What, cat got your tongue?” He winked before he walked into his closet.

A few minutes later he comes out in a pair of jeans, a t-shirt and a pair of combat boots, “Now that you’re done drooling over my body, can we go now?” Louis said jokingly.

“I wasn’t drooling--” “Really, because what’s that on your face?” Louis pointed to the corner of Harry’s mouth who was quick to wipe it away.

Louis chuckled before he patted Harry on the cheek and walked out the room, leaving Harry to collect his thoughts. He shook his head slightly and followed Louis’ out of the house.

Harry gets into the drivers seat, because let’s face it he can never stand Louis’ driving, ever. Louis’ pouted because he wanted to drive and Harry told him no. The radio goes on and they hear Louis’ voice come out through the speakers. Harry chuckles slightly and turns to the next station, and Fancy by Iggy comes on. Louis turns it up and starts belting out the lyrics at the top of his lungs.

The other people in the cars next to them were laughing hysterically, they couldn’t hear what song they were singing, but the facial expressions that Louis was making were priceless. They reached the amusement park and Louis’ barely even let Harry stop the car before he was out the door running to get in.

“Lou, hold on!” Harry called out to him and Louis stopped running to turn around. Harry shut off the car and locked the doors. Louis came back to Harry only to grab his wrist and pull him with him. Harry tripped over his feet, but soon regained his momentum so that he was able to keep up with Louis’ energy. He hasn’t even been up for an hour and he’s acting like a child doped up on sugar.

“Lou, you need to slow down before we both trip.” Louis stopped as soon as he almost went flying and Harry grabbed his waist to steady him.

“Sorry,” Louis wiped himself of the invisible dust and walked to the box office to get the wristbands.

“Ready to have fun?”

“Can we eat first?” Louis asked, since he hadn’t eaten anything yet.

“Why don’t we go on some rides first and then we can get food, don’t want you getting an upset stomach.”


They spent the rest of the afternoon going on rides and eating the greasy carnival food. They ended the night on the ferris wheel, and it stopped at the top. They looked at the skyline and Harry had looked over to Louis just as Louis looked over.

They both started to lean in, and just as their lips were about to touch, the ride jolted forward. They moved away from each other and kept their distance from each other as they walked to the car. The ride home was a dead silence.

“Night Harry, see you tomorrow,” Louis quickly spoke as they pulled up to his house. He walked quickly into the house before Harry could even reply to him.

He gets out of the car and walks home, with nothing but that almost kiss on his mind.

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