Clara Wright

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At first, upon opening her eyes, it took Clara a moment to remember what had happened. How exactly her car had ended up smashed against a tree at the side of her road. And then it all came to her. The mask, the "Supplier", that text.

You didn't really think I'd forgotten about you, did you?

I always save the best until last.

Give it up and let this secret roam free; You don't want me to release it myself.

I hear that its bite is nasty as the hell your precious Cleo has undoubtedly gone to.

She can rest in pieces.

But you? You don't have to.

If you just do as I've said, that is.

She was stupefied for a minute or two, unsure of what exactly to do, so much so that the yells of the young woman banging on her (surprisingly, still intact) car window didn't immediately register. Even once Clara turned in her seat to look, she stared at the frantic woman for a while before actually responding. It was odd; whilst most of her vision had been temporarily bleared by the smoke wafting from the bonnet of her car, obnubilating her surroundings, the woman outside was as clear as day. It might have had something to do with her smacking the window and looking extremely alarmed, but Clara suspected it was more than that.

"Hello? Are you okay? Are you hurt? Shit!" She was shouting. It would have been sagacious for Clara to reply immediately and save the poor woman her breath. But she was too absorbed in examining that same woman's features as she called for help, her jaw falling down and smacking back up like an overworked machine. Olive skin, tumbling locks of black hair that gleamed in the moon light like pools of ink, a long, slightly beak-like nose and luculent brown eyes.

Shit, she's really, really pretty, Clara thought to herself. It was the first lucid thing to enter her head.

She was just waiting for the moment that the woman transmogrified into Cleo's corpse and it became clear that she was no more than a mere hallucination. Clara had to speak to her. Make sure she wasn't going insane. Breathing out a stuttered sigh of relief, she found that she could still raise her hand and opened the car door slightly, so that the woman could stick her head through the gap.

"Are you okay?" The woman said, panting. She was about the same age as Clara, inexplicably familiar and appeared South Asian though she spoke with a Yorkshire accent. "What happened? I was just driving past when I saw your car crashed into this tree and you unconscious!"

"I was driving and..." Clara rubbed her eyes, her field of vision wobbling. It was as if the world had turned to jelly, and she had to grasp onto the steering wheel to keep herself sitting up straight.

"Shall I call the police?" The woman said frantically.

"No, don't. I think I'm over." Clara replied, still somewhat stunned.


"The limit. I think...I don't know." She tried to get out but the woman placed a pacific hand on her chest and guided Clara back into her seat.

"I really don't think you should get up. You've been in an accident."

"I'll be fine, thanks for helping me but I'll be okay from here."

"I can't leave you here. You need to go to hospital! Even if you feel fine, you still need to get checked out. Concussion can be really serious, I know, my mum's a doctor."

"I'll be fine." Clara ingeminated groggily.

"No, you won't." The woman bit her lip and began to pace. "You're Clara Wright, aren't you? I've seen you around campus. I'm Holly Khan. I'm in 3rd year."

Trust No Bitch: Part 2Where stories live. Discover now