Chapter 8 - Cargo Ship

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They exited the warehouse and entered the chopper. It was dark and the time was nine 'o clock. They sat down and waited. "Journeys an hour sit back". They all nodded. This was his first mission and he was looking forward to it.

The helicopter was minutes away from the cargo ship. "Were nearly prepare for green light". The chopper had 8 seats. Two pilot seats and six others. It had no light except for a red and green one. When the green flashed they had the all go to rope down. They light was red. Hunter pulled his mask on. It covered his whole face except for his eyes and a small gap for his nose. He had his earpiece in and it fitted right over. He then put his hood on. He was ready. Soon in the distance the ship could be viewed.

At the front of the chopper Fox was talking to the pilots. "It's all clear, green in 50 seconds" the pilot said. "Roger get ready to turn it on". Captain walked back and sat down. "ETA 20 seconds". Hunter sat up in his seat. He pulled his M4 Carbine SOPMOD gun out. They light flashed red then turned green. "Go, go, go" Fox shouted. Snake and Eagle went first followed by Scar and Wolf. "Come on then Hunter. Hunter held the rope with one hand and the gun on his right. He spun and slid down. They had already cleared the room at the back of the ship. "Move down and clear" Fox shouted. Hunter cocked his gun and moved. They all walked down the stairs and turned left into a corridor. They all turned into a room and fired. Hunter moved forwards and walked out. It was raining heavily. This would help. "12 o'clock clear. Hunter walked to the railing and looked over. As he covered, everyone walked down the stairs on the right. Hunter followed on and walked down. "Split ways". The all split up and walked through the containers. "12 o'clock on the catwalk" Wolf said in his earpiece. "Roger Wolf I'm close" Hunter said. "Same here" Snake said. "Alright Snake, I got the on one the left. Once I take him down you take down the next". "Roger Hunter".

Hunter looked through his sights. He aimed for the head. He got a perfect shot. The targets friend was confused but got two bullets to the chest. "Move on" Fox said.

They moved forwards till they stopped as there were 8 men in the building ahead, they all hid in the shadows. "Chopper we need assistance. Building ahead 8 hostiles". "Roger Fox". The chopper had a gun underneath and took the hostiles out before they could send a message. "There down". "Roger pilot". They walked forward. They turned left and saw an entrance. "Okay breach the door" Fox said. Hunter walked forward and put a breacher on the door. He stood away. The door exploded. "Check your corners". They entered looking around. Suddenly there was gunfire down the stairs. "Get down" Wolf yelled. Hunter pulled a pin on a flash-bang. He then quickly pulled the pin of a grenade. He threw both. The last thing the hostiles would've seen was a bright line the immediate death. "Hostiles down, go through the corridor and through the door.

"Door ahead". They opened the door to find more targets. "Hostiles in the open". They began firing and taking out the men. Hunter turned right. He threw a flash-bang. He then turned around and fired. "Right side clear" Hunter shouted. "Left clear" Wolf yelled. "Roger, middle clear, head to the right side there's a door". "Roger Fox sir, it's open". "Roger, Hunter take point". Hunter walked forward and walked near the door. The three men in the other room had heard the commotion. He put his gun to his side and took out his pistol. As the man walked through he fired at the man's head. He then turned at shot the one coming towards him. The other tried running away but Hunter shot his leg then shot his chest twice. He reloaded before talking. "Rooms clear. This looks like the main container room" Hunter yelled.

The rest of the Bravo team walked in. "Well done Hunter, containers in the corner". They walked to the corner and opened it. Fox walked in and began checking everything. "It's a nuclear warhead. He picked up a paper, signed by Al-Asad. "Al Asad" Fox whispered.

"Bravo 6 were seeing lots of men entering the ship". "Roger pilot, exiting now". They quickly walked out of the room taking the papers. "Right back the way we ca"...

There was a sudden explosion, then an eruption of fire. "Bravo Six, come in Bravo Six". "Roger" Fox said as he got up. "You need to get out of there". "Roger were getting out now". Hunter was on the floor. "Come on then" Fox yelled in Hunters face. "Let's get out of here". He helped him up and they began running out.

They quickly exited the way they came. They exited the main room. They turned right and saw the helicopter with its back door open. Everyone had got on. Hunter quickly ran after them. He grabbed on swiftly. But he was slipping. Fox quickly grabbed him and they moved away from the sinking ship.


Al-Filyani was in his private quarters in his apartment. He was a president but he ruled a poor country in the Middle East. He guards among his whole house. But he heard sudden fires. He knew there were rebels in the country who didn't like his ruling. He was scared as he knew it was run by Al-Asad. He sat down. There was more gunfire but closer. But it stopped. He had guessed that his guards had taken care of it. Then the door exploded. 5 men in full combat gear entered. They spoke in Arabic. "Get on the floor now". He kneeled on the floor and placed his hands behind his head. They grabbed him under his shoulders and dragged him out of his house.

As they arrived outside his courtyard a 5-seater car waited. Someone had opened the door and chucked him in the back seat. The driver sat was already sat down. The man who had spoken to him told him sat in the front passenger seat. "Do not speak or else".

As they drove across many roads he saw people running into alleyways and many running into bins. Outside he could hear Al-Asad making a speech. They had soon arrived outside a big alley way type place. They dragged him out again. He lay on the floor, shocked. A man walked towards him and stomped on his face.

Soon his was being walkedto an open area. He could see a wooden post in the distance. They stopped himin the middle. A man bold and sharp eyed inspected him and pointed to thewooden post. They tied him up. The man called Al-Asad and spoke. "Kill him" hehad said. He held a gun and flipped it in his hand. Al-Asad took the gun. Inthe corner was a camera facing him. This was his last moments. Al-Asad spokeagain to the camera. He held the gun in-front of it and said. "This is where itstarts". He walked to Al-Filyani and shot him. That was the end. They had putthe video live across the whole world.

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