Chapter 10 - Escape

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They had already travelled 4 miles across Russia. They were all sitting in silence. Hunter sat in the right of the chopper. His face on the window, but he had seen something glimmer. It was aiming towards them. "Stinger" he yelled. "Stinger 2 o'clock". It had hit them. He could hear the pilot screaming "Mayday, Mayday, prepare for impact. The chopper had crushed to the ground

Hunter had never felled anything like that before. He opened his eyes and saw Snake, Fox and Eagle checking bodies. He saw Nikolai being helped up. He took a long blink. He heard Fox's voice. "You look fine Hunter. Come on then". He helped him and Hunter adjusted everything. He put his pistol properly back into its holster and andjusted his gloves. He saw his M4 Carbine in a hole. He walked to everyone else and picked his gun up. "Come in. Base come in. Base". "Hello Fox"? "Roger our choppers down and need a way out. "Roger that Fox. Head North West, we'll keep you updated. We are sending a gun ship and a chopper. We'll keep you updated and stay safe".

He turned back to the group. "Right we are going North West and we'll get picked up by a chopper". He sighed. "Come on lads. Let's get moving, there will be searchers coming here looking for us". They followed Fox across a road and began walking North West. "Shit, under the bridge quickly". They quickly ran under the bridge and waited. "Convoy moving West. Okay let's keep moving." They carried on walking across the road. "Nikolai you can shoot well right". "Absolutely Captain". "Good ". Fox stopped. "We'll use a five-formation walking through here. Nikolai and I will be at the front. Hunter you're in the middle. Snake, Eagle, you're at the back. Watch our sixes". They all nodded. "Right let's move". They walked in the formation moving quickly.

"Road finishes here" Nikolai said. "Right" Fox replied. "Let's take this left and head through this house". They walked slowly upwards and entered the house. It only had a ground floor and an attic. "Right" Fox said as he looked through the window. "Five men, maybe more. They're tryna take out a man. Hunter upstairs. Eagle and Snake cover the door we came through. Me and Nikolai got these two windows. Hunter you kick it off. Hunter walked up the stairs and looked out the window. He pulled a flash-bang out. He pulled the pin and waited 3 seconds before throwing it. As soon as it hit the ground it flashed the light within it out. The three of them began shooting and taking out the targets. There were two around the corner but he couldn't aim at it. "Two around the corner" he yelled. "I can't get it in my sight". Fox signalled to Nikolai. They kicked the door open. They turned and shot both men. "Area clear" Fox yelled. Hunter jumped down from the attic and all the men walked out of the house and turned right. "Right across the field".

They walked across the field when they saw a truck stop on the road. There was gunfire's. They all walked to the other side of the field and saw a house. The door was locked. "Eagle"!! "Get that basement door open". As Eagle began getting the door open, they were all covering the house. "Okay doors open" Eagle said. They all walked in with Eagle closing it. "Okay let's check upstairs". Fox led the way and began checking. "It's too quiet" Eagle whispered. "Maybe they've gone" Snake added. They walked around the back. There was sudden barking. Two vicious dog running towards them. They all shot at them until they died. They heard yelling. "Tangos around the corner" Nikolai said. They had to pass through here then go through a barn to arrive. "Okay were nearly there take them out. Come on".

They turned the corner and took the men out quickly and precisely. "Okay, round the corner. Get to the barn". They walked through and arrived 30 meters from the barn. "Jeez, chopper coming through" Hunter yelled. "Is it ours" Eagle asked. "Hunter make the call" Fox ordered. He nodded.

"Base, come in base". "Roger Hunter what can we do". "We have a chopper coming into our current position. Do we have a confirmation that it's ours"? "Roger that Hunter, standby". He got up and began shooting again. He got down again to reload. "Sorry Hunter, the chopper is half-an-hour away; it's probably an enemy one". "Roger that base".

"We have an enemy helo, enemy helo" he yelled. "Roger Hunter" Fox yelled. "Let's try get to the barn and take cover". They carried on moving forward taking out the hostiles ahead. "Right lets clear this barn". Hunter walked forward when he quickly ducked as the chopper was firing at him. The rest of the team had moved forward and had got into the barn. He waited before running into the clear barn. "Barn clear, let's deal with the chopper" Fox said. "Fox, we got some stingers here". "Hunter get those stingers and kill that bird". Hunter grabbed the stinger and aimed it at the chopper. He could hear it beeping slowly locking the chopper down. It started beeping rapidly and the missile went out. It went flying hitting the chopper on his tail. "Enemy helo down" he yelled. He re-entered the barn and picked his gun up. The team had gone up the stairs and opened the back door. He ran up and saw some stairs leading to back. He walked down and joined the team. "Okay through that bushy path". They walked through when Fox raised his fists. "Enemy transport and lots of it" Eagle mentioned.

They waited but they suddenly heard something in there ear. "Bravo Six this is Hercules-2-1. This is your AC-130 gunship". They all smiled. "Roger Hercules-2-1" Fox started. "Thanks for the back-up. We have a few enemy vehicles ahead and can't get through. Can you be of some assistance"? "Roger Bravo Six, firing now".

Up in the plane Captain Rogers was leading this assault. He couldn't or didn't want to get this wrong. "Right team, send down a missile to that zone now". They all nodded and got to work.

Back down the missiles were firing down and had taken out all the targets. "Okay, let's move forward". They had to get to the LZ with men everywhere now. "Bravo Six your chopper is 15minutes away we'll cover you and get you there. "Roger Hercules" Fox said.

Sergeant Newman was one of the newest cadets. It was one of his first flights and was his first mission. He was in his seat looking down at the floor. He had to cover these people and get them to their LZ. The team would come up as white flashing men while the enemy would just be white. Just ahead on the field to the right there were at least 12 foot-mobiles he made a call. "Bravo Six, you have about 12 foot-mobiles on the field to your left. Move with caution". He received a single reply. "Roger". He decided to take them out. This was the new Lockheed AC-130, which held enough missiles to take out a whole army. He aimed precisely and fired a bomb. He waited for impact and saw that it had taken all the targets out. They had found some enemy transport. "Hercules, we are taking enemy transport we are 10 minutes from the LZ where is the chopper". "The chopper is about 8 minutes away. Does your vehicle have any weapons". We have a turret just keep us covered". "Roger Bravo Six".

The car started and Fox began driving through. There were five seats. Two at the front three at the back. Nikolai and Fox had taken the front seats. While Hunter was covering the left side. Eagle was on the turret while Snake covered the right side. Hunter was also in charge of making the calls. "Hunter do we have contact with the chopper" Fox asked. "Give me a second" he replied. "There patching us through now". "Bravo Six this is Halo-2-2 we are two minutes from the LZ. What is your current position"? "We're patched through Fox. We are five minutes away taking heavy resistance, be ready for a hot exfil". "Roger that Bravo Six". The car drove on. They were all firing they also had missiles and bombs falling down. Hunter was covering when he saw something in the corner of his eye. "RPG" he shouted.It hit the car and it fell. "Shit". They all got up and fired taking cover with the fallen van. "Bravo Six, are you okay". "Roger" Hunter croaked pressing his earpiece. "We need some good covering. We are taking the last 500 meters on foot". "Roger we have your back, proceed". They all got up and moved quickly to the LZ. Missiles were still being fired. The chopper was just 100 meters ahead.They all ran and covered their sixes and saw that two men were covering the rear exit of a CH47 Chinook. They all jumped on and the helicopter flew up. The helicopter closed its doors and fired out flares as it flew away from Russia.

Tyler "Hunter" Adams - Part 1 - SelectionWhere stories live. Discover now