Chapter 11 - Capture

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The helicopter had just flown over France. Arriving in an hour they received a message. "Fox" the pilot called. "We got someone in the intercom". Fox walked to the front and answered. "This is Captain Smith". "Roger Fox, this Baseplate". "Roger Baseplate, what's the problem". "As you know the USMC (United States Marine Corps) were sent to infiltrate Al-Asad. They failed, horribly killing at least 30,000 of their men. We have confirmation that Al-Asad is taking refuge in a safe house in Azerbaijan. After coming back to base, you will set course for Azerbaijan". "Roger Baseplate, my team will be ready. Bravo Six, out". The call terminated. Fox returned to his seat and sighed. Everyone had heard the call. "So Azerbaijan" Eagle asked. "Don't start moaning, you signed up for this. After this helicopter lands I will take Nikolai to the main room. Someone will get Wolf and Scar, the rest will go to the armoury, use silenced weapons". He sat again.

Half-an-hour passed after the CH47 Chinook landed. The rear door opened and they all exited. Fox took Nikolai to the main room. Eagle went to go get Wolf. Snake and Hunter went to the armoury. "So you liking the army" Snake smiled. "Sure, the shooting and fighting. Everything. Its all great". They opened the armoury door and entered. "I would put the M4 Carbine away if you want. Pick another weapon" Snake suggested. Hunter stood there for a while choosing. He wanted a light but easy to use weapon. He chose finally. He picked up a M4AI. He held it up. It felt comfortable. Easy to use. He then picked up a Red Dot Sight, a Silencer and an under barrel. He attached everything. Snake had turned around. "Ahh nice choice, I see you went for a Silenced M4AI with a Red Dot Sight. And an adjustable Under Barrel". Snake nodded. "An you've gone for a" Hunter asked. "See, I've gone for a Vector CRB w/ Holographic Sight. Under barrel and Silencer". "Nice choice". "Well top up your ammo and we'll go to the meeting room".

After everyone had got everything ready and prepared. They all stood around a table. "This" Fox pointed, "is his safe house and perimeter around it". "It is all based on a hill, the safe house obviously at the top. We'll be dropped off at the bottom. We move uphill and take out every building there is. After everything is clear we breach his safe house and capture Al-Asad. Is everything clear" Fox asked. They all nodded. "All right then, let's get to the chopper.

The chopper was a new MH-6. There were the two seats at the front for the pilots. Three in the back and a place to sit just above the landing skids. They all walked towards it. Fox spoke. "Okay Snake and Hunter you guys sit on the out seats on the left side. Eagle and Wolf on the right side. I and Scar will be on the inside". They all sat in their positions. After everyone buckled the chopper lifted up. Hunter looked worried. He thought he would fall. "Don't worry Hunter. The buckles keep us in our seats. You won't fall". "Yeah, thanks for that". After that Hunter felt more relaxed it wasn't as scary as it seemed. The chopper headed east going towards Azerbaijan. He sat back and waited for the journey to end.

It took approximately 5 hours to get there. "One minute to landing" Fox said. They would arrive at the bottom of the hill. It soon came into sight. They flew low near the water arriving quietly. They all jumped down and the chopper waited. "Do you need cover fire" the pilot asked. "No, it will be quiet. I hope" Fox replied. "Well we'll stay about 2 miles off. Call for an emergency". Fox nodded. The helicopter moved off again quietly. At the bottom of the hill was a petrol station. They crouched by it. Hunter put in a magazine and cocked it. "Okay team. First building is that way. Let's keep it quiet".

They headed up the hill quietly and swiftly. The first set of buildings was ahead. They were all small houses. "I got a watchman, top of the church" Scar said. It was the first time Hunter had heard him speak. "Roger, four will enter. Scar, you stay outside with Wolf". They arrived at the door of the building. "Its night but they could be ready. There two floors. Hunter, Snake. Go around the corner. Looks like there's stairs there. We'll clear downstairs. Clear upstairs". They turned the corner and went up the stairs. Once they heard the doors open downstairs the entered. They entered. There were two looking outside the window. Another by the stairs. Hunter signalled at the man by the stairs. Snake would go for the two near the window. Hunter put his gun to his side and pulled his combat knife out. He covered the man's mouth and stabbed his heart. Behind him he heard two quiet shots take place. Once he saw the man stop breathing. He took the knife out and put it in his holster again. Snake whispered and pressed his earpiece. "Upstairs clear". "Roger" Wold replied. "Downstairs clear, meet here". They took the inside stairs and went down. The rooms had been cleared. Everyone was inside. "Okay lets split up". "Hunter, Snake and Wolf you guys head towards the church. The rest of us will go towards the house that way. Then we meet up in the house in the middle". Hunter, Snake and Wolf headed towards the church. There was a watchman at the top. They didn't know what else would be on the inside. Snake opened the door. Hunter aimed and had his finger on the trigger. There were two men ahead and a room on the left. Hunter turned left to see two men. One by the window and the other by the door. He killed the one by the window first. One bullet to the head. He turned right and shot the other in his back twice. He walked back into the main corridor. "Hunter go upstairs to roof and take out the watch man, we'll clear downstairs" Snake whispered.

The church had no lights so Hunter turned on his NVG. He could see clearly now. He climbed the ladder with his gun facing upwards. He shot the man and grabbed him so that he made no noise. He turned his NVG off and pressed his earpiece. "Snake, Wolf, roof clear". "Roger Hunter downstairs clear". He then made a call to Fox. "Fox, church clear". "Roger that" Scar replied. "We are on our way now"/

He climbed down the ladder and saw that everyone had arrived. "Okay team, one building left". They headed to the final building before the main house. The climbed further uphill and arrived at the door of the house. They all entered taking five men out downstairs. Hunter threw a flash bang up the stairs. He then ran up and shot three men standing by a window and another coming out of the corner. "Upstairs clear" he said shouting down the stairs.

"Main house let's go" Fox yelled. Hunter jumped down the stairs and climbed further uphill. The main house was a barn. Security was tighter. A bullet flew of Hunters shoulder. "Take them out" Fox yelled. Hunter aimed and fired.

There were only three guards. All shocked to see men all dressed in black. How did they get through all the security? The main guard decided to call for back-up. He pressed into his radio but no reply came. They had taken out the entire house. A bullet was shot into his partner's heart. He looked down. No pain had been felt but he saw red coming out from his chest. He would die.

The team moved forward and stood by the door of the barn. Fox opened it slightly while Scar and Snake threw two flash bangs in. Then Hunter kicked the door in and shot two men on the upper part of the barn and the other guarding Al-Asad. He had a pistol in his hand. Hunter ran forward and pulled the gun out of his hand throwing it across the room. They all entered. "Why are you here? Do you know who I am" Al-Asad shouted. Fox spoke to him pointed a gun at his face. His phone rang. Fox answered. "Hello" the man on the other side of the line spoke. "Imran Petrovitch here". "No" he replied ending the call. "Imran Petrovitch". He looked at Al-Asad. "You are going to tell us everything".

Fox had finished speaking. Al-Asad was dead; a bullet to head had killed him instantly. "There's going to be hundreds Fox. They're coming in the morning" Scar said. "I know" he replied. "We have to prepare. They will come. Get ready and get rid of his body. They're coming". 

Tyler "Hunter" Adams - Part 1 - SelectionWhere stories live. Discover now