Chapter 13 - Son Attack

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Fox was on the intercom speaking to base. He finally returned to his seat. "Well there are six of us and there are six members of the USMC here. We are going back to Russia. With the help of the Russian Loyalists we will find Imran Petrovitch son. Viktor Petrovitch. He will be going with a convoy somewhere. We will meet up with everyone and make our way there. There's going to be security there but we can take them down easily". They all nodded. They sat back and waited.

The chopper landed an hour before day break. The target was a rundown petrol station near a small junkyard. They met half-a-mile off and met. They joined and headed towards the junkyard.

"We have two men on the tower" Kazakov confirmed. "Okay Hunter get on that clothing deposit and take them out with your sniper" Fox said. It was a Dragunov sniper. Very easy to use. He aimed carefully. Pulling the trigger fired a bullet at 23mph hitting the man's throat the second hitting his partners chest. He heard Scar shout. "Weapons free. Take them out". Hunter jumped from the clothing deposit. He turned left and entered the action. The small building had at least 5 men inside, three on the roof. He took them out first. He aimed his main gun. It was an M4AI. He looked through his Red Dot Sigh and took the one out loading a RPG. He then turned his attention to the left side of the building. Two men emerged spraying bullets. He went behind cover. Once they stopped to reload he got and fired at the two men. He moved forward and took cover behind a burned out car. He pulled a grenade out killing the remaining three men in the building. "Place clear" Fox yelled. "Roof clear" Hunter yelled. "Corners clear" Griggs yelled.

The main three men met up in the centre. Fox, Griggs and Kazakov. "Okay" Fox spoke first. "Kazakov get your men into enemy uniform you to Scar. Everyone else will take positions in secret. Hunter, Griggs you two on the tower. We have an hour let's go". Everyone dispersed and got to work.

Hunter was in position on the tower. He had Griggs to his left and a sniper ready. In his ear he heard the voices. "This is Fox. Is the convoy near yet" he asked. "This is Team 2 on standby. We see the convoy passing now. ETA about 1 minute". "Roger that, we are ready". "All units be ready when this kicks off and it will. Those of you who stay behind cover stay behind cover".

"Convoys here" Hunter said speaking to Griggs. He was sitting down. He got up and stood ready. The convoy passed the gates and entered. "Do we have confirmation on Viktor"? "This is Snake. I'm right near him. He's in the Jeep second from the front". "Roger I see him" Hunter replied. "Do not fire at Viktor we need him alive. "My team is ready" Kazakov said. "They will take driver". One of the Russian Loyalist pulled a pistol out taking the driver and the passenger near him out. On top of the petrol station men emerged. "Open fire, watch for Viktor".

Everything kicked off. They were all firing. Hunter could see Viktor making a call. In the distance a chopper emerged firing. A shot hit the tower. "Towers going down" Griggs yelled.

Hunter opened his eyes. Viktor was firing shots. He began running. Hunter quickly got up. "Griggs, Hunter, Snake. Go after quickly". They followed him behind the petrol station into the other side of the garage. "Two dogs" Griggs yelled. They fired bullets killing both of them. They walked through a house and exited. "He's down there" Snake said. "Careful, this place is crawling with Viktor's men". "Open fire" Hunter yelled.

Men emerged firing bullets towards. Hunter ducked behind cover. "Do not shoot Viktor" he heard Fox speak in his ear There were too many men. "We need back-up" Hunter said pressing his earpiece. "Roger coming from your six". Ten men behind them came forward firing. "Russian are cleaning up" Fox said. "He's making a run for it" Griggs said. "We'll cover you. Keep going after him" Fox said. Hunter ran down the pavement and turned left into the alleyway dodging bullets. He turned right then left again. "Hostiles ahead" Snake whispered. "Weapons free". They all pulled out flash bangs and threw them across the wooden fence. They entered through the small hole and fired at the men. "Two men on the roof" Hunter said. He aimed carefully sending five bullets into both of them. He reloaded and fired at the building directly right of him taking out a man firing a They walked forward and took another man out near a bin, then turned left again into the alley. Three men hid behind cars. Snake threw a grenade whilst Griggs were firing bullets. They walked down the alleyway again and fired and shot men around the corner. Stairs were ahead of them. They climbed them then went prone. Someone was shooting them. Ahead was a big five storey building. On the fifth floor men were stationed to fire out, covered by sandbags.

"Chopper, we could use some back-up here". "Roger Snake firing directly at fifth floor". A chopper entered the area and with its machine gun killed all men stationed there. "Fox we have a visual. He's on the 1st floor still climbing". "Roger we are entering from the other side. He's going to the roof see you there. Cut him off". They ran across the parking area and entered the building after him. They began climbing the stairs. They stopped at the third floor as the stairs were broken there. Instead they turned right.

They entered that wayfinding men there. They shot and carried on moving. They found anotherstaircase, seeing 5 men entering climbing with them. They were with them. Theygot up to the top seeing twenty men there. Viktor was at the corner of thebuilding, a pistol in his hand. "Sir I can put a bullet in his leg" Scar said. "No"Fox replied. "We need him alive". "Hunter restrain him". He nodded and walkedtowards him. "Put your gun down. Do not do anything stupid". Viktor shook hishead. He raised his gun to his head still shooking his head and fired. "Shit"Hunter swore. Fox spoke into his earpiece. "Target KIA".    

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