Chapter 9 - Rescue

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"Sir we just have confirmation. Al-Asad had just killed President Al-Filyani live across the world" Snake said. They had returned from their cargo mission and sat around a table. Fox sighed. "The Americans will take care of him. We have another mission. Here". He slid a picture to the centre of the table. "Who is that" Wolf asked. "This is Nikolai, out Russian informant. We have confirmation that he could be executed. We have to go get him. We'll team up with the Russian Loyalists". They nodded. "Snake and Hunter, you're with me. Eagle, you'll come with the chopper. He nodded. "Well get ready we leave soon. Come with me".

They followed him to the armoury. "Collect a sniper and stock up on all ammo. The snipers were to the left of the room. They checked what there was. He decided to go for a Dragunov. He topped up all of his ammo and prepared. He put the guns in his places. They all exited an entered a chopper. They were soon on their way to Northern Russia.

Hours later they arrived. They jumped off the plane and prepared. Hunter took out his M4 Carbine and put a magazine in it. They had been dropped off a mile away from the meeting point with the Russian Royalist. "Okay men, meeting points a mile that way". He was pointing North East. Let's go". They walked across the path and then suddenly Fox raised his fist. "Building ahead" Fox said. "Looks like two men" Snake said. "I'll check it out" Hunter said. "Roger Hunter".

He walked to the small hut. He looked around the corner. He turned into the door and shot both men. He whistled. It meant they could advance to him. They quickly walked to him. "Good work Hunter. Let's go". Fox lead them under a bridge. They then saw two huts. There was also a small house they would need to go through. "Let's take them out one by one". They were all on a small hill. They walked to the first hut. There was only one man in there. He was sleeping. "I'll deal with this, you move on ahead" Snake said. Fox nodded. They walked towards the second hut. There were two men there talking and one outside looking the other way sleeping. "You get the man sleeping" Hunter said. "I'll check through the window and take the two men out". Fox again nodded.

Fox had taken his knife out and killed the man with a stab to the head. Hunter had looked through the window and shot both men with one bullet. They were dead. They saw Snake walking towards them. "First hut clear" he said. "Right lets get to the meeting point". They walked through the main door and saw a small house. There was another door to the left. Fox walked ahead and opened the door. They walked forward. "This is the meeting point" Hunter said. "Where are they"? Hunter saw a small head pop up. He quickly aimed with his gun. "Captain Smith" the man chuckled. "Welcome to New Russia". Hunter put his gun down. "Kazakov nice to see you". "The enemy are on the other side of this hill. We will cover while they proceed and attack. Kazakov walked forward. Fox stopped him. "Remember Kazakov you're with us". Kazakov nodded. They walked up a hill. Kazakov, Fox, Snake and Hunter went left while the other 23 men went right. "We'll provide over watch from here". They took their snipers out and waited. "Okay men, proceed with the attack".

Kazakov shot with his sniper starting the attack. Hunter crouched and began aiming and firing. They took out many targets. But over head helicopters flew ahead towards a small power station. "What's this Kazakov? You didn't say there would be reinforcements". "Don't worry we can head to that power station your informant will be fine". They headed left and walked through an old barn. They walked through and saw reinforcements coming towards them. "Reinforcements, take them out" Fox said. They fired and where able to take out all reinforcements. "Okay get to the edge. My men need overwatch". They headed to the edge and provided overwatch taking out the hostiles. "Okay, they look fine now. Let's head to the power station. They walked up hill and entered the power station and turned left. He leaned across the wall. "Perfect" Kazakov exclaimed. "With a bit more overwat"... Snake grabbed him and held him throat. "We don't care. Where is our informant"? "He, he is in the North East building. "There" Hunter pointed. "Right lets go" Fox said. Snake let go of Kazakov. He then tied up a rope and slid down. They pulled out there main guns and walked towards the building. They took out many men they could. "Right up the hill. He could still be alive". They arrived at the door of the building. "Snake head around the corner and take out the lights". He went around the corner and with a flicker the lights turned off. "Okay Hunter. Put your Night Vision Goggles (NVG) on". He pulled down his NVG and turned it on. Fox opened the door. They turned left and saw a man struggling to see. Hunter shot him then turned around the corner. He then saw another holding onto the wall while walking. He shot him twice. He then walked up the stairs. There was a man in the corner with a pistol aimed out but he was squinting his eyes. He again shot. He turned the corner and Fox led. He shot a man near a door, then walked into the main room taking out the two men guarding. "Nikolai, he flashed a torch in his face. "Hello" he said. "Come on Nikolai lets go. Can you walk"? "Yes" he replied picking a gun up.

"Eagle, where are you"? "Fox we are a minuteaway go to primary LZ". They walked out the back door and turned right onto thecourtyard. A chopper went on ahead and landed. The doors slid open with Eagleat the door. He exited and covered the left of the chopper. They all enteredand Eagle shut the door. "So have the Americans began their attack" Nikolaisaid. "No" Eagle said. "There invasion begins in a few hours. Why"? "They willnot succeed". Fox nodded. They heard the pilot speak into a radio transmitter."This is Helix-47 bringing Bravo Six to base".    

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