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When Camila and Sofi walked in the front door of their house, there was a strange vibe that Camila sensed almost right away. Something was different, the house didn't smell of her Mother's cooking or the copious amount of alcohol that her Father had usually already consumed by the time they arrived home on any other Friday night, in fact it didn't smell like anything. 

"We're home," Camila announced slipping off her shoes and lifting Sofi to the bench in the main entrance. She bent down and untied her little sister's shoes and just as she was about to slip off the last shoe her Mother appeared wheeling two suitcases behind her. 

"Keep her shoes on," her Mother deadpanned and without argument Camila put the shoes back on her sister's feet and stood up, her eyes dropping to the suitcases. Sinu Cabello was pulling on a pair of sandals, ignoring the looks she was getting from both her daughters. 

"Where are you going?" Camila asked, just in time to see her Father wheel his own suitcase in to join the three Cabello girls at the front door.

"We got a phone call from the school board, the Elementary school teachers walked out after the students today, they are on strike," her Father told them. "Your Mother and I are both on vacation this week, we've decided to take Sofi to Disney World on vacation," he said reaching for his own shoes in the closet.

Sofi cheered, but Camila just furrowed her eyebrows. "I haven't had time to pack," Camila told him, but he just shook his head. "I'm not coming?"

"You're to old for Disney Karla," her Mother answered. "And after everything you put us through this summer, I don't see how you would even think you deserve to go." Sinu held up her hand to silence her oldest daughter the minute Camila's mouth opened, "This is not up for discussion. There are groceries in the fridge and I am sure you can manage on your own for a week."

As soon as Camila was able to she rolled her eyes, "What I put you through? I didn't do anything, that wasn't my fault, I was the one who was-"

"Enough!" Camila's Father bellowed, causing both Camila and Sofi to wince a little at his tone. "Had you not snuck out it would have never happened, you made the decision, the consequence of those actions are no ones but your own."

"That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard," Camila mumbled under her breath, but just as she got the thought out a cold hand hit her cheek. "How dare you," Camila cried, her hand coming up to hold the spot where her Father had just connected. 

"I will not tolerate disrespect in this house," Alejandro told her. "You have brought enough shame to this family already."

Tears were already falling, despite Camila willing them not to and she turned to see her sister shuffling her feet on the tile floor, her head hanging down. "Hey," Camila whispered as she bent down in front of her sister. "Hey I'm alright, you're going to have so much fun at Disney, it's going to be great, you'll see Mickey and Minnie and Ariel, all your favourite people will be there."

"You won't be Kaki," Sofi whispered, her eyes flicking up and falling immediately to the bruise forming on Camila's face. 

"I'll see you when you get back," Camila told her as she leaned in and pressed a kiss to her sister's cheek. "Have fun okay, tell Goofy I said hi, okay?" Camila stood up and took a deep breath before turning to face her parents. "Would you rather I not be here when you get back?"

"You are to stay until your Graduation, after that, you're on your own," Alejandro told her. "You've already tarnished the family name, you will not tarnish our reputation by becoming a high school drop out as well."

"We had so many big dreams for you Karla, we brought you to this country to help you achieve them," Sinu added. "Maybe bringing you to America was a mistake on our part, we should have left you with your cousins in Mexico, then you wouldn't be in this mess you've made." 

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