Slipped Up

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(I know I said trigger warning for entire story, but big one for this chapter. Heads up.)


Normani: Mila! What are you doing right now!?

Camila: Looking over university brochures and scholarship apps Miss Jauregui gave me today

Normani: You're just looking at that stuff now? I've been pouring over brochures for months

Camila: Ugh

Normani: I'm coming over

Camila: Doors unlocked

Forty-five minutes. That's how long Camila had been staring at the scholarship applications and University brochures. Forty-five minutes of looking at the applications that were attached to the brochures and staring at the section that said 'Extra Curriculars."

"Fuck," Camila said out loud as she leaned back against her headboard.

"You okay?" Normani asked as she walked into Camila's room. "I brought pizza, thought you might be hungry," she said, placing the box on the bed next to Camila's papers. "I brought my Uni stuff too," Normani told her as she took a spot on the end of Camila's bed and started to pull out stacks of information from her bag.

"Miss Jauregui thinks I need more extra curricular things to put on my application," Camila told her friend as she reached to open the box of pizza. Quickly scanning for the biggest piece.

"How many you got now?" Normani asked her, reaching for her own slice of pizza.

"Zero," Camila mumbled with her mouth full causing Normani to raise her eyebrows.

"Seriously? Mila come on, everyone knows that shit is important," Normani said shaking her head. "Why don't you come with me to rugby tryouts tomorrow?"

"Are you trying to get me killed?" Camila questioned. "I mean seriously rugby? I'd get hurt playing badminton."

"Honestly? Come on, if you're bad they won't play you, but at least you'll have something to say you were a part of," Normani continued. "Plus they teach you everything you need to know and unless your hands are on the ball, no one can touch you, it's illegal in high school rugby."

"Um well-"

"Good it's settled, you'll come, trust me it's gonna be awesome!" Normani said exidedly as she clapped her hands together. "Rugby runs on Monday and Wednesday for practices and games are on Thursdays."

"Okay, I guess that will work," Camila told her as she passed Normani a school ad. "I was thinking about joining the newspaper, it runs on Tuesday and Wednesdays at lunch."

"You could join choir too!" Normani exclaimed, "I was gonna join and it would be awesome for you to come and join with me!"

"When is that?" Camila said pulling out her school planner, writing down the days for rugby and the school paper.

"Uh Friday and Tuesday night after school," Normani said looking at Camila curiously. "So why all of a sudden the need to join all these activities and what's with the scholarship apps?" She said picking up one of the applications from the bed. "I thought your parents always said they had been saving for you to go to school since you were born."

"Things change," Camila shrugged as she passed her planner to Normani. "So we would have activities every night after school and I would have the newspaper twice a week, is three activities enough?"

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