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Camila collapsed on her bed as soon as she got home, all the energy she had left was kicked out of her the minute Dinah started crying. She hated that Dinah thought that she was to blame for the pain Camila was in. Yes, Dinah had hurt her. Badly. But the cutting, the self-abuse was not Dinah's fault. That was entirely because of a man that had no name, a man who's face was partially hidden by the dark night and yet somehow still engraved in Camila's mind. Camila wanted to tell her it wasn't her fault, but Dinah had run and Camila didn't have her number.

Pulling herself out of bed, Camila stripped out of her school uniform and threw on an oversized long sleeve tee, black and white with opposite sleeves and stripes that fell just down to the curve of her backside. She pulled her hair out of the bun it was in and let her long messy waves fall over her shoulders, her glasses discarded onto her bedside table and makeup washed free as she climbed back into bed and let her exhaustion take over. 

It was dark when Camila woke, her forehead covered in sweat with vivid images of the night her entire life changed pulsating through her. She reached for her phone and saw that she had missed messages from Lauren as well as one from her Mom reminding her that they would be home on Saturday and telling her to make sure she watered the garden. Camila quickly clicked on Lauren's name.

Lauren: Notebook retrieved!

Lauren: Notebook replied and returned.

Lauren: Why aren't you texting back?

Lauren: Camz?

Lauren: You okay?

Lauren: It's been hours and you haven't responded

Lauren: Text me as soon as possible I'm starting to worry

Camila let out a small laugh and checked the time, it was just before midnight and she wondered if it was too late to text Lauren back, but she found herself replying anyway.

Camila: Had a rough day

Camila: Fell asleep when I got home. Had a nightmare. Woke up just now

Camila: Sorry

Camila: I am going back to bed. Night

Camila set her alarm and slid back under the covers of her warm bed, closing her eyes and hoping sleep would return to her soon. She was almost asleep, she could feel herself nodding in and out, but when she heard her bedroom door creak open, she shot up.

"Camz?" Lauren whispered as she quickly tiptoed across the carpet.

Camila smiled as Lauren climbed into the bed beside her, "You found the key?"

"Mhm," Lauren hummed as Camila laid back down and shuffled towards her. "I wasn't gonna come."

"But you did?" Camila questioned, amused by the fact that Lauren couldn't stay away.

"It's hard to follow the rules when you don't want too," Lauren told her as she pressed a kiss to Camila's jawline. "Can we start following the rules tomorrow?" She asked in a hushed tone as if she was worried someone was going to hear her.

"Are you asking me for one night?" Camila giggled.

"Mhm, I am. I didn't give you your one day, so you don't have to-"

Camila cut Lauren of, her mouth finding Lauren's in the dark and Lauren quickly melted into the kiss. It was sloppy and it was rough and Camila quickly felt Lauren slide her tongue across her bottom lip and opened her mouth for Lauren to continue with what she was doing. Camila could feel Lauren's hands shaking as they came up to tangle in her hair and Camila just inwardly smiled, because she could feel her own hands shaking as they gripped Lauren's hips and pulled her closer and she knew that Lauren was as nervous, as scared, as needing of this as she was.

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