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"You lost her. And now she lights up the night-time sky with her new lover cause he recognized her as the moon

And you envy him. She could've been your moon, but you were too busy chasing the dimly lit stars." 

"Blair." A gentle nudge stirs me out of dreamland. I groan, not wanting to wake up from my slumber. It was too good of a dream to wake up. "Blair." The same voice repeats this time, I can feel my left eyelid being forced open. And I came face to face with Peter. 

"Whoa!" I gasp, quickly sitting up on my bed. I rub my eyes, not remembering that I fell asleep here in my bedroom. 

"Morning, thought I would've let you sleep in but the early bird catches the worm." Peter opens the curtains to let in the morning light. I groan, getting out of bed. The cold hardwood floor is like me standing on the iceberg that sank the Titanic. Thankfully my bunny slippers are to the rescue for mornings like this. 

I laugh, pushing Peter out of my room so I could get ready. "Breakfast is in 10 mins! Peter's gonna be cooking bacon and eggs!" I could hear Charlie shout on the other side of the door. I roll my eyes at Charlie's voice, even though he is annoying, he is plain adorable. And hey, I'm probably not the first to have thought that.

My once shitty hair from me not conditioning from last night's shower just added to 'this is a bad day' type of thing. So, a messy bun to the rescue. I quickly tie a sloppy bun and added a small pink bow to the front to make it look like I actually put some effort into it, when I didn't. Then a white tank top and my favorite high-waisted jeans, paired with my heeled boots.

"Here you go, milady." Peter sets down a plate full of strawberries, bacon, and scrambled eggs. Just the way I like my eggs too. "Thanks." I say to Peter as he exits the dining room to the living room. I take a forkful of the eggs and a bit of bacon. Charlie staring at me as I do so. "What?" I question him, a mouth full of deliciousness.  A few more seconds of staring and then he smirks. A devilish smirk I've seen several times in his movies. Charlie clears his throat finally saying something.

"Blair, as you may know, I am probably one of the hottest men out there," Charlie says pausing a bit because of my loud scoff. Even if he is adorable, his attitude is too snobby. Yes, I know I'm picky. "Anyways despite your little laugh, I would like to ask you out to dinner." 

I immediately jump up from my seat, almost choking on my strawberry. Oh, that's definitely not how I want to be killed. Killed by a strawberry, classic. "What?!" I scream out, just that Charlie, someone I never thought I would've met before since yesterday night, would ask me out to dinner. 

"You heard me, dinner. 6pm. I'm thinking Italian food." Charlie repeats, echoing his thoughts. I shake my head, walking over to him. "There's no way I am going out to dinner with you. I rather eat ass than to go out with you." Charlie seems taken aback, which is the first of many.

"Blair look, I think you're cute and feisty. Which is something I don't get to see often nowadays that I'm basically famous. So, come on. Can't you trust me?" Charlie holds my little baby hands up to his chest, holding them tightly. I look at him, a definite serious expression drawn over his face. I sigh, taking my hands back to my sides. I can't remember the last time I dated someone. Must've been in senior year of high school. But can I really trust him? My thoughts seem to ramble on and on.

"If I break your heart, you're granted one free punch card. Just think about it." Charlie grabs a strawberry from my plate and walks out from the dining room. With me confused more than anything. Snow rubs against my legs, with a soft meow that is always comforting to hear. 

"I know Snow, I know." I pet the top of her head, my hand is massaging it. 

Could I trust Charlie? I mean, the last break up I had ended in tears and heartbreak. 

I stare into the open park of California, searching for him. I hold in my hand tightly and securely, a note he had stuck on my wall for our 1 year anniversary. A year full of romance, laughter and joy. "Blair?" Jackson, my boyfriend says surprised that I'm at the park. A picnic basket in one hand and the other, waving at me. My legs just involuntary ran to him and just hugged him.

"You planned all of this?" I say leaping for joy. I could already see wedding bells in the future. Jackson stays quiet before a loud voice joins in from behind us. 

"Jackson! Hurry up, the grass is itching my legs. Oh, who's this?" She turns to me, a friendly smile while staring me from head to toe. Scratch that, I hear funeral music in the future. I cross my arms and look at Jackson who looks so flushed like he's seen a ghost.

"Who are you?" I ask the girl, my voice sounding so dry. She smiles, "Joanna. I'm his fiancée." 

And I could already feel my heart breaking into a million pieces. All I could do was just run. I always did that, just run away from my problems. I never wanted to see Jackson again and after that, I never did again. Not even at our favorite hang out spot, where we first met and kissed, all of it, was unimportant to me. I moved that summer to New York, where I am today. Never wanting to go back, just to start a fresh new start to my life. 

"Charlie?" I peek my head through the other side of the wall.

"Yeah?" Charlie is sitting on the couch beside Peter who is playing with Snow. 

"6pm and not a minute after." 

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