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I choose you.
And I'll always choose you over and over and over.
Without a pause, without a doubt, in a heartbeat
I'll keep choosing you.

"Peter. Dude, as your best friend you can't wear that. It looks like Miley Cyrus's shit." Charlie's disgusted face looks at Peter's polished suit. "What? Fuck you dude, it looks good on me."

I grin, standing only a few feet away from Peter and Charlie. "You know, you can always accessorize." Pippa comes up from behind me, a silver necklace dangling in her right hand. "Pippa this dress is already good. There's no need to accessorize when it's not necessary." I tell Pippa, disappointedly putting the necklace back in her suitcase.

"Fine, have it your way." Pippa crosses her arms, walking towards Charlie. "Gosh, I'm starving." Emily walks into the room, looking at herself through the full length mirror. Her dress I must say, is beautiful. Everyone's dresses is amazing even the guys look good in their black and white suits.

"Can we stop by McDonald's on the way? I'm craving serious French fries." Pippa asks the limo driver. Robert, our driver looks back at us. "Are you serious? Mam, there's going to be food during the event."

"Oh. Thank goodness." Pippa sits back in her seat. I laugh, gently nudging her shoulder. "Babe, you know there's going to be some good shit during the after party right?" Charlie looks over at Pippa.

Babe? Wait, what?

"Charlie, shut up!" Pippa snaps at Charlie, her pale cheeks now as red as a tomato. "She's blushing!" Emily points out, winking at her. I laugh, linking my hand in with Peter's. "Spill it, sis. I'm interested in your love life for once." I say, smirking over at Pippa.

Pippa sighs, "Later. We should be going now."

"Gosh, this is amazing. Never knew we could make it this far." I whisper into Peter's ear. Thank god for my heels, I won't have to get on my toes. Peter's arm tightens around my waist, him leaning an inch down. "I.." he stops mid sentence by a photographer.

"Sir! How do you explain your sudden rise into fame?" A man in his late 30's, his microphone with the ELEGANT logo printed boldly on it. I look over at Peter, a smile on my face. I love when people ask how the claim of fame came to be. It's like a chance to inspire young ones on how to make it in the near future.

"Never give up, it's your best asset. Even when people give up on you, never give up on yourself. You won't regret it." Peter says briefly, taking my hand inside the actual award room. I tap his shoulder. "What were you going to say?"

Peter shakes his head, smiling. "I'll tell you later."

"You know I always thought I would just keep a plastic spray-painted trophy." Peter jokes, pouring himself a cup of coffee.

We had finished the red carpet event about 2 hours ago and now everyone is hanging out in the living room watching a horror movie. My least favorite out of all the genres. Pippa and Charlie cuddling together, enjoying their time with one another.

"Who wants popcorn?" Emily jumps on the couch, immediately landing into a sitting position. "Depends, buttered or salted?" I ask, stopping myself from grabbing a piece without general information.

"Who cares? It's popcorn!" Charlie takes a handful and shoves it violently in his mouth. Emily groans, "Great. Did you even wash your hands?" Emily has an intense fear of germs, something I learned weeks after meeting her when I accidentally fell in the grass, due to my clumsiness, and Emily refused to hug me for two days.

"Of course, if I didn't wash my hands, I would give my girlfriend an intense breakout since I'm always touching her face." Charlie replies, tapping the side of his head with his greasy, buttered hand. "Ew first off, even if you wanted to touch my face I wouldn't let you. Second off, you're afraid of people touching your face as well." Pippa says, finishing it with kissing Charlie on the cheek.

They're adorable.

"Ew." Peter laughs, pushing Charlie and sitting beside me on the floor. "Shut up bro. Just because I'm a ladies man doesn't mean you have to scare away my lady." Charlie snaps back, letting himself relax on the couch.

"Guys, shut up. I wanna watch a movie, not listen to you guys talking about relationships and whatnot." Emily rolls her eyes, scrolling the remote on the main menu of Netflix. Of course Emily wouldn't want to talk about that stuff, she loves being single especially when it's paying for her own stuff and not someone else.

Peter scoffs, "Yeah Charlie. You heard the woman." Charlie crosses his arms childishly, sticking his tongue out at Peter.

"Dibs on the Smurfs!"

"No, what the fuck? Let's watch Fast and Furious."

"Fuck no!"

Me and Pippa sit quietly giggling, listening to everybody else argue about the genre of the movie. "When do you think we'll be watching the actual movie?" Pippa whispers to me, clearly annoyed.

"This is exactly why we can't have movie nights." I roll my eyes, able to calm Peter down. "Guys! Shut up, lets just watch the fucking Titanic." Pippa stands up from the couch and grabs the remote from the table. Gosh, I've never heard Pippa curse unless she's steaming mad.

"If we crashed into an ice berg would you let me go?" Peter asks me quietly, his hand holding onto mine. I grin, "I'm pushing you off the door."

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