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She didn't need to be saved. She needed to be found and appreciated, for exactly who she is


"Hey, you ready?" Peter knocks twice on my doorway. I check my outfit and my makeup for a quick second before replying, "Yeah. Come in." Peter smiles, eyeing my clothes and then my face. He grins, walking over and sitting down on my bed. "You know, Snow really wants a new toy? So as a good person would, I ran to Pet-smart for some cat treats and toys. You're welcome."

I laugh, spinning around on my ballerina flats to face Peter. "Well you didn't have to, I could've easily ubered there." I tighten my pony tail. Peter rolls his eyes, a long sigh escaping his lips.  

"Come on, we're going to be late." Peter grabs my handbag in one of his hands and my hand in the other. I don't know, his hand feels so right in mine. It's warm, fits like a glove in mine. I can't help but smile a bit. 

"Hey, um Charlie told me about how much you miss London. So, since my next show is going to be in London. I was wondering if you would like to come with me?" Peter holds up two airline tickets from his wallet. I never told Charlie I missed London, if anything Charlie must've asked Pippa. The two have been talking lately. 

I clear my throat, smiling at Peter. "I'll come with. Especially since you won't know how to translate from English to French." I laugh, gently squeezing his cheeks. 

"You sure Helen won't mind?" Peter asks me, rubbing my arms. I sigh, nodding. "I did finish the collection already. I just want to get out of New York and back to London, just for new surroundings." 

Peter smiles, pulling me closer into his arms. His cologne stinging my nostrils, the smell overwhelming but it still matches him. "Blair, I figured that with the money I've earned so far that I should move out of the crummy apartment. Would you like to move in with me?" Peter asks me, a promising smile on his face. 

I hesitate for a moment. I do love my penthouse, but it does kind of suck a bit. Living there alone and such with just Snow or either Pippa visiting every now and then. It would be nice to live with Peter, to wake up with him every morning and have us watching Disney movies every night. 

"Of course I will. I bet it'll be fun." I joke, clasping my hands together. Peter laughs, nodding his head. He tousles his hair around through his hands, something he does when he's feeling awkward. 

"Good, because I already asked my agent to move your stuff." Peter laughs, an obvious joke. Hopefully it is.

I smile, looking down at my shoes. Peter holds my hands, his fingers locked in with mine. His warm touch brings an even bigger smile to my face. "Blair, you know why I asked you to move in with me?" He asks, bringing my head up to face his.

I look into his eyes for a moment, having a pretty good answer already. "You like me?" I bit my lip, taking a leap of faith. Please say yes, please say yes. 

Peter chuckles, his hands now on my waist holding me firmly. I place my hands gently on his cheeks, rubbing them with my thumb. "Yes, but other than that, I want you to be my girlfriend. Will you?" 

I smile, my smile being as big as it could possibly be. "Yes! Of course I'll be your girlfriend." 

Peter smiles, a small chuckle escapes his lips. He leans in, plants a soft kiss on my lips. It was delicate but yet it left me breathless.  Like everything he does, he simply swept me off my feet.

"Tell me something about you, you've never told anyone before." Peter asks me, his head perks up from interest. We're sitting on a nearby bench in downtown Kelly Park. I tap my chin for a split second, thinking about the question itself.

"Well, my parents are actually world renowned." I laugh, his arm gently stroking my back. Peter chuckles, shaking his head. "I clearly don't know who your parents are. Please inform me." 

"My mom is actually the famous model Emma Davis, she and my dad met in high school actually." I smile, reminiscing the story my mom told me. "It was like she had found her missing half or whatever." But then I look down at my lap, my hands gently resting on my lap. Slowly, Peter's hands intertwine with mine. 

"They both passed away a long time ago actually. I really miss them." I face Peter as I'm saying so. "They would be very proud of you. I mean have you seen yourself? You're literally the best designer I know out there!" 

I laugh, thanking him. "How about you? Why don't you tell me something you've never told anyone?" 

Peter ponders on the question for a bit, as if she was trying to find the right words to say. 

"Hm, well when I was little my mom sang to me. That's actually where I get my inspiration from, to make her proud of me. And actually a lot of my songs are inspired by her." Peter smiles, thinking of the good times.

I rub his back, "I wish I could meet her. She seems very nice." 

Peter smiles, nodding. "You know since we're both from London and considering you never ate a macaroon before I intend to get you to eat one before we leave London."

"Consider it done."

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