Re-Kindled Thoughts

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Ruby sat on her large bed holding a book. It was a rather large book at that. The room was quiet and still. The windows covered by snow were cover by thick black shades. The room was dark and a cool draft from the window grazed across Ruby’s skin. Goose bumps rose high on her arm. The sound of the house shifting pulled her from her thoughts.

“Matez?” Ruby asked as her voice his the corners of the room and came back to her ears ringing slightly. The boy with snow freckled hair came in and smiled at Ruby almost evily.

“Ruby.” he said and they walked to each other and Matez tucked her red hair behind her ear, leaning in close to her. He breathed on her neck and whispered ever so gently “Your plan is set in motion.”

Ruby smiled snarlingly as he kissed her neck “Which brother has her heart?” Ruby asked sultry

“All of them, mostly Erik and Marco though.” he said and nuzzled her ear with his nose

“More the merrier.” she said and pulled back to kiss him tenderly and ever so gently. Their lips matched imperfectly. Matez pulled back and smiled “What is the third step in you plan, Ruby?” he asked and Ruby leaned to him as if to kiss him once more but immediately flipped away from her and walked a few steps away.

“Well, I need which ever brother her true Prince Charming is, to take this.” she said and turned around holding an enchanted vial.

“What will it do?” he asked walking over to her taking the vial

“Once I poison her, she will be in a coma. ONLY the man she truly loves and loves her can break the curse. So if her charming takes this vial…his kiss can never break her curse.” Ruby said and smiled looking at the vial in his hands.

“How clever.” he said and smiled up at her “When and how do I give this to him?” he asked

“You slip it in his drink. When? Whenever the brother proposes.” she said and Matez furrowed his brow

“Proposes? How do you know such a thing will happen?” He asked turning over his shoulder

“My sister has a strong hold on men. It will happen.” she said and shrugged “You need to go now. Your brothers shouldn’t know why you’ve been gone so long..go.” she said and made a shoo sign with her hand. Matez shook the vial and stopped before going out the door “How will you poison Snow?” he asked and Ruby chuckled “No need to worry Matez.” she said and shoo’ed him again. He walked out the door and back into the snow.


Three knocks on the side of Snow’s room startled her to look up. There was Erik by the door. He walked in and sat next to her on his own bed and looked at her “Are you okay?”

“I’m fine..” she said and stood up and walked over to the mirror to look at herself.

“No, your not Snow. Whats wrong? Was it Alex?” he asked staying on the bed. Snow rushed to the door and closed it and by habit locked it.

“It wasn’t Alex…it was you and Marco, and everyone else in the room.” she said crossing her arms

“How?” he asked standing up

“The jealousy was unbearable. I’m not some prize you have to score. I’m a human being.” she said and Erik scoffed looking down

“Do you even understand? We are seven guys who have lived and depended on each other for as long as we’ve been alive. So when a beautiful lady shows up in our bed…we don’t exactly know how to take it.” he said and Snow raised a brow.

“Beautiful..” she stopped on the word

“Yes..beautiful. Would you like me to call you something else?” he asked with a small smile. Snow chuckled and smiled and walked to the bed sitting down beside him. “No, I’m good with that.” she said and looked at him “Ross told me about your childhood…well not everything.” she said. Erik darted his eyes away

“Don’t believe everything he says.” he said but Snow knew that wasn’t true. Ross loved and looked up to his brothers especially Erik. He’d never lie.

“I’m sorry..” she whispered. Erik looked over at her and felt that she really was. He trailed his fingers down the side of her cheek stopping at her chin. The urge he felt nagged at him. Lifting her chin ever so slightly he kissed her and Snow kissed back. The moment felt like a year long. Snow moved her hand to the side of his arm trailing up it his neck where she wrapped around it. His lips danced with hers for the longest time until Snow pulled back for a much needed breath. She gasped for her air and looked up at Erik with a small pulsing smile. Someones knock on the door pulled them out of there present glares at each other. “Just a second.” Erik said and stood up fixing his shirt and unlocked and opened the door. It was Ghost.

“I was just coming to say goodnight.” Erik smiled at him a bit and Ghost looked at Snow when he spoke. Snow had the most guilty look on her face. She bit her lip and dodge his look for any longer.

“Thanks Ross. Sleep good.” he said and shut the door. Snow stood up and went to the door “You need to go.” She said looking at him.

“What? Why? I can stay, it is MY room.” he said most defiantly

“Just please. I need to sleep. Go.” she said practically pushing him out of the room and closing the door behind him. She turned around after locking the door and taking a deep breath, She never felt so confused in her life. How could she do that. Did she love him? No. She couldn’t have.. She sighed and tucked her black hair behind her pale ear and slid into the bed. She closed her eyes and started thinking about her future with the seven boys.

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