More or Less

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A/N: I come back I have 1.6k reads. Thank you guys for that. Sorry I haven't been on. I needed space so I deleted the app. Then I couldn't re-download and i was like crap. But I finally got it back. And a brand new chapter I thought of in the shower. Don't ask me how this came to mind in the shower.

Sally p.o.v.

Sitting at the table. A smile on my face. Watching as Jeff, Jane, E.J. and Ben calculate their kills for the day.

"20!!" Jane says.

"21!" Jeff says. "I always win against you."

"Watch it!"

"I got 26, so beat that Jeff!!!" E.j. says.

E.J. and Jeff have gotten pretty close.

"I got 15" Ben pouts.

"How many did you get Sally?" Jeff ask.

I smile. "30."

"WHAT?!" everyone shouts.

"How do you always win?!" Jane complains.

"No complaining. I won all the candy. Give it to me."

Jeff pouts and pushes his towards me.

"How do you always win?" Ben ask. Pushing his candy towards me.

"Simple. Go for big families. You guys worry about what houses to go to. I worry about how many people live in each house. That's why I've only hit like 8 houses and killed 30 people. In one night."

"My little sister is all grown up!!!!!" E.J. cries.

"She grew up when she met Jeff." Jane says.

Jane still hates Jeff and the fact I'm dating him.

"Even if Sally won. She's not allowed to have that much candy. She won't sleep for a week eating all that." Dad says.

"But daaaaaaaadddd." I whine.

Jeff snickers next to me.

Slender takes the candy and divides it equally to everyone.

"What's the point in winning if I have to share?" I pout.

"The satisfaction that you got more kills than your older sister and brothers and boyfriend." E.J. explains.

"I only do it for the candy!"

"Stop complaining!" Ben yells.

"You're only saying that because you got some of my candy."

"Sure am!"

Everyone laughs. I see Clockwork come in.

"What are you guys doing?" she ask.

"They have this thing where they see who can get the most kills. Whoever wins get the most candy. Guess they haven't decided yet." Masky says.

"We have. Dad didn't let me keep all the candy." I pout.

"W-who won?" Toby ask.

"Me. Winning with 30 kills"

"30!!! How old are you again?" Clockwork ask.


"You did better than Jeff. And he's 16!!!" she teases.

"We already discovered this." Jeff says
"Stop whining."

"Only a kiss from my girlfriend can help." he says.

"And I'm out." Jane says. Walking away.

"Same. I don't wanna see that." E.j. says leaving.

Everyone, but Ben leaves.

"Are you gonna leave?" Jeff ask.

"I actually like your guys relationship. So... Nope."

"Get out!" I say.

He pouts and leaves. I laugh and look at Jeff. About to kiss him when of course.

"Are you kids hungry... Where'd everyone go?" dad ask.

I sigh. "Really dad???"

"Wait. We're you guys having a moment?"

I nod.

"Go to your room!!!!!"

I laugh and head upstairs with Jeff. He looks around my room.

The Irresistible Smile(Jeff X Sally)Where stories live. Discover now