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Jeff p.o.v.

I feel my eyes water. Hearing her footsteps behind me. Once we make it to her house. She stops beside me.

"So. What are we?" She ask.

"I don't think we're anything." I whisper.  "Goodbye Sally."

I walk away. I turn around and see her go inside the house. I sigh.

I walk through the woods. Feeling the tears come out. I find a tree and climb into t and sit on a branch. I lean my head on it. The tears start coming. I wipe them.  Gosh. I'm not this weak. I don't cry over a little breakup. I've broken up with many people. I've never cried about it. I don't need her anyway. I've live for... how many ever years I lived without her. I can live for... How many more years I do without her?

Sally p.o.v.

I walk in this house.

"Back already. I thought it would be longer.  How was it?" Dad says.

"It was fine." I say.

I go straight upstairs. I go into my room. I shut my door and throw the flowers on my bed. Why am I carrying those? I sit down on my bed and put them on my nightstand. I sigh.

I hear a knock on my door.

"Sally. It's Ben."

"I don't wanna talk about it."

He comes in. "We don't have to talk about it." He sits by me. "We can just talk."

I look at him. He gives me a goofy smile.

"Talk about what?" I ask.

He shrugs. He takes his hat off and puts it on my head. "Talk about how cute you look with my hat."

I smile and take the hat off. "Out of all things."

"Did you two have a fight?"

"We broke up." I whisper.

He looks at me. "NOOOOOOO!!!" He screams. "SALLY!!! MY SHIP IS NOT SINKING!!!"

I stare at him. "It did."

He shakes his head no. "No it didn't. It just got injured. Don't worry. I'll patch it."

"I don't need him. I'll be fine without him."

"No you won't. You two need each other more than you realize!"

"Leave me alone Ben."


"No!" I say.

He sighs. "I'll patch it. I'm your best friend...  I have to..." he gets up and leaves.

I look over at my flowers. I grab them. I feel myself start to cry. I don't need him... I don't need him... I don't... Need him... I... Need... Him.

Ben p.o.v.

I run downstairs and jump on the couch by dad. "Trouble! We have trouble!" I say.

Dad and E.J. look at me.

"Do you guys know how to patch a ship?"

They both shake their head no. I realize I should've phrased that differently.

"Relationship wise."

They both shake their head no again.

"But I need your guys help!!!" I whine.

"What do you want?" E.J. says.

"Sally and Jeff broke up!!" I say. "Theres a hole in the Jelly ship and I need help patching it before to lunch water gets in it and it sinks."

"You take these ship metaphors to a whole new level." Dad says. "I don't see how we can help."

"That's called brainstorming."

"Just give it time. I'm sure they'll make up in a few days. It's just a little fight." E.J. says

"Sally said and I quote 'I don't need him'  does that sound like a little fight!"

"Give it a few days and if they're not back together then we'll step in and help."

I sigh. "Okay..."

I sigh. "

"Your obee

The Irresistible Smile(Jeff X Sally)Where stories live. Discover now