The Fall

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A/N- updaaaaattteeee~ I can't promise this will be any good cause I got fucked up before I wrote this xP

After your crazy morning with Juuzou he left for work and left you in the apartment. You decided you'd just hang out for a while as you clicked on the T.V.
"Injured ghoul escaped CCG Headquarters last night. This ghoul has (H/C) (H/L) hair and was last seen wearing a black coat, white shirt, and black shorts. If seen, call CCG investigators immediately." The T.V. blares.
You sigh. 'I guess I won't be going anywhere for a while'
Turning off the T.V. you rest on the couch bored when your nosey curiosity got the better of you. You stood and walked into Juuzou's room. You never got a good look in here. It's a large room with a neatly made bed in the center and a dresser in one corner with a desk in the other. There was another dresser in the back corner of the room. You knew his clothes were in the one but you didn't notice this larger dresser. You walk over to it and open it slowly. All that was in it was knives, not unlike the ones he used to torture you. You wince remembering what happened and close it again. You were hungry but you couldn't go hunt (for obvious reasons). You flop onto Juuzou's bed. It smells like him. It's sweet and somewhat comforting and you, embarrassingly, find yourself falling asleep being comforted by his scent.

~Time skip~

You woke up because you felt pressure on the bed next to you. You woke and instantly tensed up, and hesitantly rolled over. It was Juuzou of course, looking at you with that teasing, childlike smile. You blushed, he was very close to you, and tried to get away. This led to you falling off the bed and onto the floor. He looks over the edge of the bed concerned and sees you laying there looking (adorably) irritated.
"Are you okay?" He laughs.
You sigh and sit up trying to comprehend everything around you. Then you smelled it,
Your eyes changed and you quickly pounced on Juuzou ready to attack. You didn't know what you were doing, you lost control because of your hunger. He laughs and throws you off of him, landing you across the room. He then tosses a familiar white package in front of you, which you horridly tear open and devour immediately. You then come to your senses and realize what happened and blush. Your hands and mouth were covered in blood. He just smiles at you as if he wasn't bothered that you were eating human flesh in front of him. You were confused. 'Why isn't he upset or even fazed by this?'
Interrupting your thoughts, he hands you a damp cloth for you to clean yourself up with. You do so then timidly hand him back the bloody cloth. He tosses the cloth in with a pile of (presumably) dirty clothes.
He then hugs you again, this time you returned it without much thought and just held onto him.

'As stupid as it may seem... I think I'm falling for him...'


A/N- I feel like my chapter are too short. Let me know if I should start writing longer chapters.

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