13. Who Wants to Live Forever...

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It honestly didn't matter how many times Andreegys tried to reassure her that he had complete control over Genesis, every time that Stephanie was suffered to be in the same space as the abomination she kept a careful eye on him. He stood quietly, sucking air in with a sickening sound as he stared off into nowhere. It was only because Monica promised to keep her safe that she braved her fear. Monica, on the other hand, had no fear at all. In fact, she thought that Genesis was beautiful-not literally, perhaps, considering his grotesque face that was indescribable-but beautiful all the same because of what he represented. The harbinger that he was.

"I hope he's as indestructible as you say, apparently he just stood there while Toby and the others attacked him." Stephanie was the one to break the silence, never understanding how the other two villains could just hold a silent standoff. Andreegys looked at her slowly, thinking. She had not yet known that he was the Keeper, so she had no idea that he was present-watching through Myrna's eyes-when she betrayed them and told the hybrid the answers to his questions. But it was a good thing, because she had told them only things he had wanted them to know. Besides, he already knew her fate, he didn't need to worry about reprimanding her. And it wasn't like she was going to ask about it anyway.

"Genesis cannot be destroyed by the hands of any mere mortal. Or demon. That's what's going to force the hybrid's cooperation. They're confused, they have questions, I've put them on their guard. That's good. I showed them what this beast is capable of and then made them wait in anticipation. Indeed, they haven't any idea which way to turn." He said, looking at the deformity with pride.

"I assume that's why we've been summoned?" It was Monica. "Round two?"

"Precisely. Tobias is not yet ready to give up his life, it would serve me nothing to go full force now, no. But he does need a reminder, a push in the right direction. Listen carefully, there isn't much time, the witch is about to be called upon and I have to return her with haste," quickly he beckoned to the body he wore-once again in his familiar skin. Myrna. "I am planning another excursion for my creature, and the same as last time I need you to be waiting in the wings to clean up the mess."

"Sounds like a plan to me," she smiled after being given all the details. Andreegys had nothing more to say, and snapped his finger, disappearing Genesis before resting his silvery gaze on Stephanie for a long while. It made the young scientist uncomfortable, and with her vast intelligence she knew that he was aware of what she'd done. But he said nothing, and after another second he too vanished, leaving them alone in the hidden lair. That was when Monica turned to her, seeing her condition before mistaking it. "Don't worry about a thing, it'll all go as smoothly as it did before."

"Of course it will," Stephanie lowered her gaze, pushing her glasses back up the bridge of her nose. She didn't like taking the easy out, because she didn't like keeping the truth from her, but she was also afraid to be honest. "I'll do my part."

"I know you will, I'm not concerned, you handled things quite readily at the office last time. Though, I wonder," now the Karthix woman stopped, laughing a little, "I wonder if that's only because our dear friend Wesley has a crush on you. You should've seen the poor dolt, pining after you like an animal in heat. As if he ever had a chance."

"Wellever talked to you about me?" The words made the enforcer taste metal, and her mind raced trying to think of the things he might've said. She was living two different lives with each of them, and neither one knew of the other. True, she'd made her choice now, but dropping Wellever wasn't so easy. Yes, he might've only been a glorified secretary, but when it came down to it she knew she was really dealing with Vorne. At any moment her British paramour could call him up, tell him everything. Then where would they be?

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