Chapter 17 - The House Cup

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Somehow, the story of what had happened had got out and Harry had gone from house disgrace to school hero overnight. Most of Gryffindor house would've been wringing his hands and apologising, but he was in the hospital wing unconscious, so they made do by buying him a shops worth of sweets, which Ron had been eating, much to Hermione's annoyance
"They're for Harry!" Hermione nagged
"Well, he's not going to eat them now, is he?" Ron complained, his mouth full of chocolate. Hermione sighed and shook her head, hiding a smile

The only person who wasn't pleased was Oliver Wood. With Harry unable to play, Ravenclaw completely thrashed Gryffindor, resulting in their worst loss in half a decade. However, considering recent events, not many people seemed to care
"Cheer up Oliver" George Weasley said afterwards "Besides, I've always wondered what You-Know-Who looks like"

To both Ron and Hermione's surprise, Snape was still around and, for some reason, seemed interested in Harry's recovery. Hermione was sure that if he had been involved, Professor Dumbledore would've sacked him, so this left her even more curious

Madam Pomfrey, the school nurse, had insisted that Ron stayed in the hospital wing overnight to lcheck on his head injury. Ron had complained a lot but Hermione was very glad about it. She did not enjoy seeing the large purple bruise on his forehead every time she looked at him

Hermione had come down to see Ron after breakfast the next day when Professor McGonagall walked into the hospital wing. She turned to face the two of them
"How dare you go down the trapdoor? You are eleven!" she said, though she didn't look angry. On the contrary, she looked rather proud "and Miss Granger how on earth did you solve my chessboard, I-"
"Oh, Professor, it wasn't me" Hermione interrupted "I'm useless at chess. It was Ron"
Professor McGonagall turned to Ron, who shrugged
"Rookie mistakes, Professor" he said "you made some rookie mistakes"
Professor McGonagall looked rather taken aback, before shaking her head and walking out with a smile on her face

Ron turned to Hermione
"Thanks!" he said happily
"Well, you are easily the best chess player I've ever met" Hermione said. Was it her imagination, or did Ron flush?
"Well, there's nothing seriously wrong with you, Mr Weasley" said Madam Pomfrey coming out of her office "you're free to go"
Hermione and Ron looked at each other
"Ready to get beaten at chess again?" said Ron, grinning widely
"You're on" said Hermione, and they both left the hospital wing

Three days later, Ron and Hermione were playing exploding snap in the common room when a boy ran in claiming that Harry Potter was awake. Ron and Hermione didn't have time to look at each other before they got up and rushed to the hospital wing

"Just five minutes" Harry implored from the other side of the room
"Absolutely not" said Madam Pomfrey
"You let Professor Dumbledore in..."
"Well, of course, that was the headmaster, quite different. You need rest"
"I am resting, look, lying down and everything. Oh, go on, Madam Pomfrey..."
"Oh, very well" she said "But five minutes only"
She opened the door, and Hermione burst in
"Harry!" she squealed "Oh, Harry, we were sure you were going to - Dumbledore was so worried -"
"The whole school's talking about it" said Ron. "What really happened?"
It was like an adventure from a story tale. Apparently, Quirrell was after the stone, not Snape, and the reason he wore his absurd turban was because it was hiding Lord Voldemort under it! Hermione actually screamed at that point. It got a bit confusing after that. It seemed that Quirrell couldn't touch Harry, and his skin burned if he did. Also, Harry found the stone by looking in a mirror. After all they'd been through, the final task was a mirror?!
"So the Stone's gone?" said Ron after Harry had finished "Flamel's just going to die?"
"That's what I said, but Dumbledore thinks that - what was it? - 'to the well-organized mind, death is but the next great adventure' "
"I always said he was off his rocker" said Ron cheerfully
"So what happened to you two?" said Harry. Hermione told him what had happened. Her story didn't sound nearly as interesting next to his
"D'you think he meant you to do it?" said Ron "Sending you your father's cloak and everything?"
"Well" Hermione said sternly "if he did - I mean to say that's terrible - you could have been killed"
"No, it isn't" said Harry "He's a funny man, Dumbledore. I think he sort of wanted to give me a chance. I think he knows more or less everything that goes on here, you know. I reckon he had a pretty good idea we were going to try, and instead of stopping us, he just taught us enough to help. I don't think it was an accident he let me find out how the mirror worked. It's almost like he thought I had the right to face Voldemort if I could..."
"Yeah, Dumbledore's off his rocker, all right" said Ron, grinning "Listen, you've got to be up for the end-of-year feast tomorrow. The points are all in and Slytherin won, of course - you missed the last Quidditch match, we were steamrollered by Ravenclaw without you - but the food'll be good"
"You've had nearly fifteen minutes, now OUT" Madam Pomfrey interrupted, making them jump

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