Part Three.

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A/N: That's PJ for those who don't know.

"Hello, Mrs. Howell!"
I heard an ecstatic voice enter my front door. "Are you here to see Daniel?" There was no reply, so I'm assuming he nodded in reply.
I heard soft thuds against out hardwood stairs, making me nervous. I didn't know who it was.

Click, my door opened. I was greeted with someone I'd only met briefly. His name was PJ Liguori, and he was in my maths class.

PJ stood at the doorframe of my bedroom, wielding a bouquet of pink and white roses.
"Hi, Dan." He shyly introduced. A soft smile peeled across my face, a small blushes grew. "These are for you!"
"Why?" I was simply dumbfounded, why would he bring me flowers?
"I saw what Phil did to you. It obviously hurt a lot, so I wanted to make sure you were okay."
Yet another tear dripped from my left eye, but this time I wasn't upset. I was thrilled. I was scared and I was comfortable at the same time.
Before I could respond, he strode towards me and embraced me in a giant hug. I felt at home. "I'm okay now." I cheekily replied. "Thank you for the flowers, they are beautiful. Pink is my favourite colour, surprisingly!" I ended with a hint of sarcasm, which PJ thankfully took lightly. "I really should be going..." PJ began, sensing his presence was irritating me. I really wanted him to stay. "Can you stay?" His eyes widened, surprised. I was relieved when he nodded, with a smirk on his lips.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2017 ⏰

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