Chapter 10

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,,I heard them fighting in the living room. They said gruesome words to each other and at the end my mother threw divorcing papers in his face and went to the kitchen. My father started to punch pillows in anger. I'm sorry for bothering you, but I just had to talk to s-someone and P-Paul is not available and I don't want him to see from what kind of a family I come from. Because, you know what they say, the child is just a mirror of it's parents''. Her throat was in pain from all of the heavy breathing and sighing.  She started to cry uncontrollably. I stood up, came from the back and hugged her. ,,I know it's hard to see two people you love fighting. But I promise you, everything will be okay''. She lifted her head, wiggled out of my hug and turned to me. ,,How can you promise something like that? You don't even know what will happen. Do you think you are helping me with your empty promises? You know who said the same thing to my father? His lawyer. Yes a lawyer''. Her hands were shacking like she is overdosed. I never had or wanted to see her like this. She stood up in anger. ,,I shouldn't have told you this. Don't try to find or run after me''. She looked at me with scared eyes, which still had tears dripping from them. She ran away and soon she wasn't in my site. After a traumatic talk with her,  I sat down and finished my hot chocolate. I needed some time to consolidate my thoughts and feelings and figure what to do.  And I was still waiting to see, will she come back.

 As I was waiting, a thought went by: Maybe I should text Paul. I have to tell him about this, so he would be ready and not like me, yelled out and left alone. I reached into my bag and grabbed my phone. I texted him and he didn't answer for a long time, so I called him. A few rings after, he picked up. ,,Hey, did you see my text?'' I asked him, but there was no answer. ,,Hello?'' I heard a few creasing and the person on the other end answered. ,,Hey, sorry! I am trying to call Jenna. I didn't even notice that I answered a call. Did you hear or see her lately?'' Now I became even more anxious. ,,I had the same question for you. I talked to her at the coffee shop. Suddenly she ran away from me. Can we please met at the same shop, it's near the school. I will text you the address''. ,,No need I started to run as soon you said coffee shop. I am here''. He declined the call. I turned and saw him, hyperventilating his ass off. He sat across me, where Jenna was sitting just a few minutes before. I told him what happened and he had a very worried face. ,,Don't try to find my? What does she mean by that?'' he was puzzled. ,,I think she meant not to follow her, as she is running away from me''. ,,Or she is going to run away from home and she doesn't want to be found. I know Jenna. When things become hard she will just run away or hide. I called her like a thousand times, but she didn't pick up. I called her house she wasn't there. Uh Jenna!'' he grabbed his head and placed it on the desk. His forehead was full of veins. ,,We need to find her. She might be in danger. Let's split up and go to the places that she loves. We will met  back here in an hour. Deal?'' He nodded and grabbed his stuff. ,,You go left and I will go right. Alex be careful and when you find her just send ,,got her''. If she is in danger or you are send S.O.S. Don't approach her until I come''. ,,Okay''. He started to walk. I grabbed his shoulder. ,,We will find her. Don't worry''. I gave him a smile. He didn't change his facial expression ,,I hope so''. He said and left.

I checked every place that she loves to go to: the arcade,the pizza place... I visited all of those places, she wasn't there. I asked the people that were working there did they see a girl. I showed them the picture I had on my phone. But it was all a waist of time. They didn't recognize her. I came back to the coffee shop and he was waiting for me there. ,,Nothing''. My feet hurt. He passed me a water bottle. ,,Same''. I was worrying so much. What if something happened to her or she did something. So many things could have been done. ,,What should we do? Should we call the police?'' He didn't answer. I took my stuff. ,,Where are you going?'' he spoke. ,,I don't know, maybe home Paul. I don't know where else to go. I am worried and scared. She was the first person who talked to me when I came here. We instantly connected. The only thing we never did, but wished was to go... Wait a minute!'' he lifted his head from the despair. ,,What, what!'' I started to run towards the park. He followed me. When I came closer to the carnival that was arranged in the park, I headed straight to the carousels,hoping she will be there. But my hopes were rejected. She wasn't there. My legs felt numb. I couldn't keep myself up. I dropped on my knees. My head was hurting. Everything was going to hell. People started to form a circle around me, questioning whats wrong with me. Paul made some space for me to breath. He went on his knees, but he went down so he could hug me. ,,Everything will be okay, I promise''. When I heard the word ,,promise'' I burst into tears. That was one of the last words I told her before she ran away. He lifted me up and said. ,,Let's go tell her parents about this, then they will decide what to do. Okay?'' I just nodded. ,,Come let's go, I will drive''. We got into the car and drove to Jenna's house. Her parents didn't even notice that she was away. We told them what happened and they called her several times. Like we didn't do that already. She didn't answer. They called the police and told us that we can go home, that the police will take care of it. I knew that going home won't help. Paul agreed with me. Her voicemail was full so there was no point of leaving any more messages. Paul drove me home. ,,If I find out anything, you will be the first person I will tell. Okay?'' I nodded ,,Same for you''. We said our goodbyes and he drove back home.

As I was entering my house an angry family was waiting for me. ,,Where the hell where you? You weren't available on the phone. I called you many times but you didn't pick up. You got me worried sick''. All of this chaos made me forget to call my mom. I knew how she felt. I ran into her arms and started to cry again. ,,Is everything okay darling? I'm sorry for yelling''. I shock my head and said softly. ,,You have every right to be mad at me. I am so sorry for making you feel like this. Today was a crazy day and my head is everywhere and not where it should be''. The words flew like my tears. ,,Here sit'' she pulled out a chair ,,and tell me everything from the beginning to the end''. After explaining what happened. Mom called Jenna's parents and asked how the situation was going. I went up stairs to take a shower. It was the only place where my mind is free and blank. The shower helped me leave the reality for a few minutes. It felt good, but eventually I had to go back. After getting dressed, my phone rang. I rushed hoping for some news about Jenna. But my hopes never came true. It was Chris. Paul told him and he was checking on me. I said that I am still holding, but that I am still worried. He asked if he could be out of help, but I turned him down. We arranged some stuff for our date that was tomorrow. He still didn't want me to know what was the surprise and where we were going. He is going to pick me up at six o'clock. At least there where some good news today. My mom interrupted our conversation. ,,Sorry, for intruding, but I just wanted to tell you that the police is starting the search.'' Thanked her for the information and forwarded everything to Chris. We said are goodbyes after it stroke midnight. My brain shut down and I fell asleep right away.

I was dreaming of Chris and me dancing at the winter dance. Right before our lips touched something woke me up.  It was my phone and it was like three or four am. ,,They found her. She was at her ant's house. You can see her if you want to. I will come to pick you up''. Paul texted me the good news. The whole house was asleep so I guessed I will sneak out with no problem.  But I made a back up plan. If my mom wakes up she will see a note that I left for her, which explains where I am and what am I doing. Paul was waiting for me. I went in his car and he drove us to Jenna's house. I was happy yet nervous.

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