Chapter 21

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,,Let's make this year even better. This is our senior year and we will be going separate ways, but our minds and souls will always remember this amazing night!'' Tami was standing on a table while we all gathered around her and everyone raised their glass as she was giving a very powerful speech. ,,My friends, let's party tonight like there is no tomorrow because New Year is in five, four, three...'' I raised my glass as high as I could. ,,One!'' We all screamed together and poured the liquor into our mouths. ,,Happy New Year!'' Tami jumped from the table and took a big sip from her glass. Who would say that this wild girl is a total nerd? No one! The music started to play again. It was really wild and the best time I ever had. Our squad was in the middle of the dance floor and was busting so awesome moves. I was surrounded by people that I love and it was everything I needed. Michelle put her arm on my shoulder ,,And this is for our first place!'' she took a big sip and I followed her. Jenna didn't even have a glass she was just holding a beer can. That classy girl. I laughed at her dancing as it's extremely hilarious. ,,Yeah not all of us are art of the dance troupe''. The DJ stopped the music. ,,Did I just hear someone is part of the dance trpupe?'' Everybody nodded and pointed at me and Michelle. Honestly I got shy for a second. ,,Well let's see what you got!'' He put the music back on and everybody formed a circle around two of us. We looked at each other. I did't know what to the tell her, so I just shrug my shoulders and started to move with the music. Everyone cheered with every body movement we made and of course for the end my signature move. It became even more wild after that and everybody came closer and started to dance. It was a night that you just couldn't forget.

,,Hey everyone soon we will fire off some fireworks!'' As soon as I heard the word fireworks I rushed outside. I really love fireworks. When I was a child, back home, on every New Years they would fire off some really colorful fireworks. When we went outside they were setting up everything. It was so nice seeing Seth and Chris work together. When Seth saw that I was eye balling them he smirked and laughed from the corner of his lip. ,,Do you want to fire on yourself?'' He came up to me and reached out his hand. I nodded as fast as I could, grabbed his hand and followed him to the set up. He told me where everything was and how to manage it all, but was shortly interrupted by Chris who somehow managed to get him out of the picture. ,,Okay we are firing off in three...''. I did a great job and mine went the highest. The fireworks were really beautiful and hard not to look at. ,,Hey after this I need to tell you something, but for now let's just enjoy''. Chris took my hand and kissed my forehead. I smiled. We let out another round of them and it was so beautiful, I didn't even think of video tapping any of this because I knew it will always live in my brain, plus I forgot my password so that is also a problem. But the important part was that I was enjoying every second of it.

But of course we all needed a reality check and that was when we all heard the police sirens. Some ran away, but some, like me just stood there in shock. The police arrested everyone that was left and we were soon all driven to the station. I didn't know what was going on, but all I remember was that I was sitting next to Seth in the car. While I was leaning my head onto his shoulder and drifting into sleep he was constantly assuring me that everything will be okay. Also before we arrived he woke me up and as we got out they leaded us to those like station jails that are there before they make their decision. I really needed that sleep to sober myself up. In the station jail were: Tami,Paul,Jenna, Seth, some people also from the party that I cannot remember names and me. Seth hugged me as I was sitting on the cold floor and gave me his jacket. But all that was going through my mind was: ,,What the hell am I doing here?'' I asked the police man that was patrolling there, why were we arrested and he nicely explained that we were using illegal fireworks. I was literally even more shocked. ,,Then officer, why are we all here?'' He cleared his throat. ,,We don't know who bought the illegal fireworks or who was using them so we arrested you all and we hope that one of you will come clean''. I was now even more pissed. I leaned my lips near Seth's ear. ,,Isn't Chris the one who bought the fireworks?'' He shrug his shoulders.

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