Episode 6

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The night was dark, a perfect cover for illegal activities. Raina ran on the roofs of houses, adorned in black robes, concealing her from view. Reaching her destination, she jumped down from the roof and slipped into a little alley where her buyers were. Handing them the sack of books, she nodded at the leader, her longtime business partner and informant, Park Tae Joon.

Making sure that they left safely, Raina journeyed back home. She had already handed the small girl to a good family who were willing to take her in. Entering her room, she shrugged off her outer robes, removed her black mask and stared at her reflection in the hand mirror she picked up. Determined, defiant eyes stared back at her. Raina then set it down and got ready to sleep. There were so many things she had to do the next day. Her activities as the Lustful Student, were going to start by taking down the corrupt officials, beginning with her father.


(For the scenes where Banryu says Aro is very good at storytelling, it will be Banryu saying that Raina is the doctor who knows a lot about a man's body. She knows it very thoroughly and he plans on visiting her for her help with his body because she's a doctor. He doesn't know why he feels guilty as soon as he says this but continues to provoke Seonu ignoring the strange feeling in his heart.)


At Sutabaksu, Raina sipped her tea while Sooyeon stared at her, inquisitively.

"Did something happen between my brother and you?" Sooyeon asked all of a sudden, causing Raina to choke on her tea. Seeing her reaction, Sooyeon gained an angry expression on her face.

"What did he do to you? I swear, when I see him, I'll kill him." Sooyeon muttered determinedly.

"He didn't do anything," said Raina after having stopped coughing. "In fact he's far much better than his sister who didn't move a finger as her friend nearly choked to death."

"Don't be so dramatic. Then what is it?"

"What is what?"

"You feel so different these days. As if your tough exterior is mellowing, finally allowing the barriers around your heart to crumble."

At this Raina was lost for words. Seeing that her friend had noticed all of this, she asked "What would you do if there were three--" when she was interrupted by the arrival of Pi Jooki who looked as if he ran all the way. He supported himself by holding onto the table and panted. "You're...needed..at..Hwarang House."


Raina arrived at Hwarang House and headed straight towards the instructor's office, Pi Jooki guiding her. On her way, she didn't notice Suho, who she walked right past, as the wind blew her hair back nor his remark, "Oh no. I'm in trouble," while clutching his chest, his heart beating fast.

Entering the room, she walked up to where Master Wehwa was, seated at his table, calmly eating crushed rice. On the table, in front of him, lay her notebook. Staring at it in confusion which slowly turned into anxiety and panic, she watched as he flipped the pages until he stopped at a certain page and displayed it. There inscribed, was the mark of the Lustful Student, her mark. Raina groaned slightly, cursing her foolishness. How could she have handed her private notebook to a stranger without realising that she scribbled something very incriminating in her book?

"I know that you're the Lustful Student. I will not alert anyone of this information if you agree to becoming the resident Physician of the Hwarangs. I trust that you will consent."

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