Episode 11

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Im back, you guys missed me right?

 i missed you too. The updates wont be as frequent as before because I 'm focusing on other fanfics and I have to read my notes on Hwarang but I promise you I will finish this. Also, just so you now, the ending is already written and everything so don't worry. ;0


Raina stared at the half-conscious Seonu once she broke the kiss, a dopey smile on his face. Just as she was about to exclaim in relief, he collapsed on her, nearly sending both of them tumbling down the hill. Heaving a sigh, Raina shouldered Seonu as much as she could and set about dragging the now-unconscious man to where her horse stood, grazing the grass with its companion, Seonu's horse nowhere in sight. 

Raina hoisted herself on her horse, after having managed to finally get Seonu more-or-less seated in front of her.  The sun was slowly lowering in the west as she nudged her horse in the stomach with her heels, before setting off towards Hwarangdo, her sole concern being the man who was slumped unconscious against her chest. Half-way there, Raina was surprised when she heard the hooves of another horse against the gravelly road. Its rider, Yeol, approached her, a worried expression on his face once he took in the state of Seonu. 

Together they made their way inside Hwarangdo through the back entrance and dismounted. Raina ran up the steps to her quarters and held the doors open as Yeol carried Soenu on his back, before dumping him on Raina's bed. Raina then started mixing concoctions and grinding herbs, as Yeol draped himself on the floor, his back protesting in pain. The door burst open as the rest of the roommates burst in. accompanied by Hansung, after having heard from the other Hwarangs who had been there to witness  the arrival of Seonu. The youngest approached the bed on which Soenu laid upon and gripped his hand in his grasp.

"Get well soon, hyung." Hansung muttered. 

Sensing Suho's gaze on him, Banryu coughed awkwardly. "Why am I even here?" he said, in order to keep up the pretense of being a cold jerk even though every occupant in the room knew otherwise. 

"You should be here and worried, when you're roommate is ill," Suho said in response, "I feel sorry for your future wife."

Banryu smirked, "I don't think Raina will appreciate the pity."

At that, there were simultaneous cries of indignation, one that Seonu would have echoed if he had been conscious. Thankfully, Raina put a stop to whatever could have begun, be it a war or a simple scuffle, by brushing past Banryu, nearly knocking him off his feet in her hurry to administer Seonu the prepared medicine. Seated besides Seonu on the bed, Raina's attention was fixed on the male in front of her eyes, hardly registering when the other Hwarangs left for training, She wiped the sweat that lined his brow as she dribbled a spoonful of the medicine into his mouth. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2018 ⏰

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