First Meeting Trafalgar Law

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Kidd's POV

The day was full of cheer, citizens would turn their heads and smile at my presence and praise my name wherever I went, and the sun peered down on me like a holy god, man I loved that.

I was the king of this land, no one stood up to me as an equal,  my power and influence was unlimited as well as my fortune...and yet I was lacking something.

My scowl deepened at all the happy random fucks running around with cheery smiles and being so god damned happy as they greeted me with the same line, 'greetings my lord!~'

It was so annoying hearing them all copy each other like a swarm of mindless parakeets, basically barking to one another with nothing more to say.

Couples and families flooded the streets of this town while I continued to roam alone in my seemingly endless search.

Some might say that being single ain't all that bad, others would say that's a load of shit and being single is the worst.

And I totally agreed with the latter.

The longing for another half to complete me was unbearably agonizing, like a surfer never finding that perfect wave to ride or a groom never finding the bride to hold his hand and share his life with in holy matrimony, then I cussed at all the damn poetry that's been going on in my mind today.

I was no damn Shakespeare or some poor fuck who thought the world was all in black and white and grey or any of that bullshit.

No, I was a damn alpha that always took what he wanted when he wanted it, no one said otherwise unless they wanted a freaking death penalty.

But that's gonna be hard since I can't even find what I'm looking for, a mate, a mate that would complete me, a mate that would share my name and status.

I growled at myself for becoming poetic again and shook my head when I came across a new towering building.

A tick mark popped onto my head as I read the fancy board, 'Library' A library, a fucking god damned library.


Most people became startled and immediately ran off in a bustle like the devil suddenly appeared, leaving the narrow street completely empty, fearing to suffer my wrath.

'Pshh wusses' I internally snarled at them.

Once again I stared down the annoying ass building and reluctantly stormed in because why not!? I got nothing else to fucking lose.

The small chime of a bell rang out through the building as I took a good look around with a deep scowl, the place was fucking massive, it just screamed nerd all over the place with the amount of dust and books piling absolutely everywhere.

Heck, I didn't even see any staff around, did I scare them off or something? Damn babies.

Just when I was about to leave again I heard a door hastily open and looked back to see a smaller male.

In his hands was a good stack of thick dusty books which was way more than he could carry, effectively covering his view, from behind the books I could see the top of a fluffy spotted hat and a few flicks of dark hair poking out.

After he barely slammed the door shut with his foot he wobbled around the room with the huge pile, struggling to keep it from not falling over and failing at whatever he was doing.

But I guess the guy didn't see me cause he suddenly flew to the side while passing me and slammed into me.

He let out a cute shriek of suprise as all the journals and dictionaries fell everywhere and scattered around his legs and feet as he tipped over.

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