Claiming You As My Own

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With quick movements Kidd desperately started to relentlessly attack and assault the feline's delicate neck with possessive bites and nibbles while thrusting his lower body down onto the male.

Law almost shrieked in suprise and embarrassment but quickly covered his trembling mouth when lewd yelps and moans started to come out instead.

Wanting to hear Law's smooth, angelic voice, the lord bit harder into a sensitive part in the neck and clenched onto his sides, making the surgeon cry out and instinctively grab ahold of the younger's shoulder blades, "Ahh!~" Law was screaming from all the wonderful sensations being given to him.

Smiling at his sexy cry, Kidd began unbuttoning his vest making Law flush red in realization, "o-oh K-Kidd, a-are you s-sure about-?" "I've never been so absolutely sure of something in my entire fucking life" he interrupted.

The librarian was left stunned by the lack of hesitation in the alpha's voice, and he flushed crimson when Kidd finally stripped this chest bare.

Never in his life did Kidd see such stunning beauty, Law's small body was like a work of art, a piece of art that he could only see with his own eyes, a piece of art that he would make sure no one else saw.

The tattoos on his skin was like a wavy ink painting and each shape was made perfectly by a skilled brush, with all the flowed outlines and the mysterious patterns, it was like paint splattered on a tanned, creamy canvas.

Before he even knew it, Kidd already lost himself in tracing each path the ink stretched onto his skin, all the while making Law squirm and moan from the unexpectedly soft treatment.

Never has anyone touched Law so lovingly, in fact, no one has ever touched him before! But it was indeed a welcome change that he was begining to like.

He was suprised by how quickly he was to react to Kidd's feathery touches, and mortified by how -dare he say it- needy and loud he whined.

One especially nice touch made him suddenly jolt in suprise and cling right up to his as equally bare chest, making the lord happily rumble at their close proximity.

Kidd finally decided to start the show and swiftly pulled back to completely undress them, but his gaze moved to the raven's flushed face and noticed the nervousness and hesitation in his glassy eyes.

Momentarily pausing, he blinked and gave the raven a very uncharacteristically soft and reassuring smile, "don't worry Law, I'll be gentle, I promise" but instead of an obedient nod like the wolf expected, he recieved a twinge of objection in his watery eyes instead.

"A-A-Actually.." Kidd felt his ears quirk to the side in curiosity and confusion as Law flushed an entirely new kind of red and stared down the lord's chest to avoid eye contact, "g-give me all you got..d-don't hold b-back on me"

Law had no idea how those words changed the alpha, because unknowingly he just gave him permission to finally let loose.

With a lustful grin that burned through Law's very being, Kidd impatiently inserted a slick digit inside and almost lost his self control when the feline let out a beautifully pitched yelp that almost sounded like singing to the redhead's ears.

The fiery blush on Law's face and teary grey eyes was a very dangerous pair, but Kidd prevented himself from falling victim to them by pushing all his attention into finding the surgeon's sweet spot.

Now where was it?...."W-WHAAAAAAA!!!" Found it.

The normally reserved and meek feline suddenly lost all control over his body and uncontrollably let out a loud mewl after mewl as Kidd urgently added two more fingers.

W-was this what it felt like to prepare mating with someone? It felt sinful, so dirty, so damn right! Law has never been in this amount of bliss in his life.

Feeling the pleasure pulse through him like a shock of electricity, Law's face flushed into a dark red that countered Kidd's hair and desperately thrusted himself in time to Kidd's thrusts.

Kidd, not being able to take the surgeon's hot sounds and cries of pleasure anymore, finally deemed Law ready to start the mating, so with a swift move of his arms he removed his fingers from Law as the leopard let out a sound close to a breathy whine and a beg, flipped him over onto his belly and rutted him into a bowing position.

Law felt something bigger than Kidd's three fingers prod him excitedly and let out an embarrassed moan while Kidd gently wrapped his arms around the librarian's waist.

"Are you ready for this doll?" Kidd hummed.

Not trusting his voice not to stutter, Law thickly swallowed and rapidly nodded his head, he has never felt so sure but hesitant about something in all his life, it was like he knew all of this was just right, but that still didn't convince him that others would think so.

So, without further hesitation, Kidd took in a quick breath and started to slowly but steadily enter the other's pleasing warmth.

Kidd's POV

'Oh my god' that was the only way I could describe this, Law was so fucking tight! Holy shit...HOLY SHIT HE REALLY IS A VIRGIN!!

I couldn't help but let out a pleased rumble from my chest imagining me being the only one to see the kitten like this, it was a privilege that only I can have.

But I only took in a sharp breath when Law accidentally tightened the muscles around me and almost made me cum on the spot, "Ahhh s-shit Law don't do that!"

Then I felt him immediately ease up on me, much to my relief, but then with my sharp ears I noticed he was rigid the whole time and letting out small whines of discomfort, with some gentle movement I soothingly rubbed the sides of his torso.

"Shhhhhh, just let it all in doll, you're doing great, just let it all adjust, okay?" After a few minutes or so, he finally stopped staying rigid and eventually relaxed into the bed beneath us.

Knowing that he was seemingly ready now, I impatiently pulled half of my dick out of his tight warmth and harshly thrusted back in to the hilt, "M-MWAAAAAAAHH!!~"

Oh yes, I do enjoy those beautiful cries~ this was going to be the best decision of my life.

Law's POV

"WHAAAA!!!~" Kidd just wouldn't stop, it was, oh god, how do you even describe this amount of pleasure?

I just couldn't take it all in, not with Kidd thrusting inside of me so deep and rough, if I wasn't crying out so loudly then I wouldn't be surprised if I heard the bed sounding like it was getting abused.

Nothing in my entire life has come close to this, I felt like I was on the very break of losing my sanity or completely blissing out, maybe even both.

"AHHHHAHHH!!!~" But I just couldn't get rid of the mortified blush on my face, I-I mean listen to me!, "WHHAAAHHAA!!" I sound so lewd! It's mortifying! I never thought something so sinful can feel so good that it would make me act like this!

Kidd continued to ram inside of me as if completely dominating me was his life's goal, and to my further horror I began to needily thrust myself in time with his once I began to feel that strangely familiar pressure in my gut.

"K-K-KIIIIIIIIDD!!!!!~" Suddenly the pressure just released as I uncontrollably came all over the sheets below me, oh no!

Then I heard Kidd let out a strangled moan as I felt something warm fill up my insides, oh my goodness!

Not being able to form any coherent words, I tiredly plopped onto the bed with Kidd letting out a content breath and falling to the side, when I let out a tiny peek from my eye I saw him lovingly smiling at me as he suddenly wrapped me up in his embrace.

I couldn't quite place it, but I felt so happy and relieved to be in his arms, feeling a small tug in my heart I looked up at him and whispered before falling asleep, "I love you Kidd"

Kidd's POV

With a small smile I gently petted Law's hair as he slept and affectionately cuddled him, this man was mine, and I couldn't be any happier, "I love you too"

...Oh shoot! I should get started on the wedding!!

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