The Invitation

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It has been exactly three weeks, six days, eleven hours and fourty two minutes since Kidd first began visiting the surgeon every single damn day but, who was keeping track?

With every visit Law was growing more and more flustered by the flamboyant and confident lord, but he still couldn't shake off the feeling of confusion and worry that he inherited when he was a mere wee little kitten, something he relied upon when he got caught up in all the continuous misfortunes around him.

Why did the redhead show such interest in him in particular? What did he want with him? Why was he so dedicated to seeing him everyday and teasing with him, a mere librarian/surgeon so shamelessly? Why did he even talk to him?

All these questions sent Law in a flurry of thought until his knowledgeable brain was put to tatters and his ears flat on his skull, even he couldn't find an explanation, or at least one that ended well.

He did come up with a few scenarios,

1. He was bored and decided that the leopard was entertaining to make fun of to pass the time.

2. He was trying to make Law slip up and humiliate him in front of the whole kingdom for that one time he shoved him out of the library.

3. He wanted Law as a one night stand.

The last scenario always made Law shiver in goosebumps, he was never interested in someone and never even thought about...fucking...before, but if he ever did, he wanted to do it with someone he would want to imprint on and make love with for the rest of his life.

There was no way the lord would ever want some lowly physician as his mate, not to mention a male as well.

It's been such a long time since Kidd's rule started and he carried out a new law that allowed couples of the same genders to mate and marry, but there were still a lot of homophobics on the island so Law doubted the redhead would try to make a male the new 'queen' of the island, that would just make that mess a whole lot more stressful.

Besides, there was no way he even had a chance, the lord already had multiple flings and they were all some well known high standing woman who ended up as a one night stand and mearly thrown away almost immediately afterward.

It would be such a stupid move to get intimate with him..but even though, Law always had a feeling deep down in his gut that all his thoughts were for naught.

Yes it's true, during all those small visits the surgeon soon begun to fall in love with his confidence and swagger, such a terrible fate if his last scenario was indeed the truth.

Law gloomily sighed aloud looking out his small cottage window as small flicks of rain quickly met the ground, the rain always calmed down the feline's nerves when he was frazzled or stressed, just as long as he wasn't outside.

Looking away from the cloudy skies outside, Law moved away and stretched out on his cheap yarn couch, it also helped him with his emotions, especially with stress, the raven would always sharpen his claws on it whenever he needed to take out some building pressure that threatened to tear him up inside.

Just as he started to begin ripping at it, an unexpected knock came over the sound of rain and caused his ears to flick up as he quickly turned to the door.

'A patient?' He questioned, but when he opened the oak wood door he was immediately face to face with Kidd's head guard known as the massacre soldier, known for his ruthlessness and cruelty to traitors and criminals.

"O-oh my! I didn't d-do anything wrong, did I?" Law immediately shunk back in fear of being arrested and hid half of his body behind the door as a reflex, keeping only one eye trained on the terrifying man.

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