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Kidd hummed in content as he reclined back into his throne like chair and relaxed, the meal was finally over and he must say was it delicious.

But more than that, the food certainly tasted much better with someone to dine with, Law was quite the company, keeping the conversations interesting, not annoyingly pushing on any topics others would, and the alpha did find it quite amazing when he made him blush and stutter in such a cute way, but the best part was that Law never did let Kidd completely have his way.

Oh no, when Kidd pried for an answer the kitten would cleverly change the subject, when he tried to make him blush sometimes he came up with some kind of an indirect burn.

This dinner absolutely drove him wild for what he was planning to end up doing tonight, now that the food was out of the way everything will be set to go.

"K-Kidd would you m-mind telling me why I'm here exactly, it certainly can't be for small t-talk is it?" Law quivered nervously, unknowing to Kidd, Law only became more tense as the night wore on.

He was sure Kidd was waiting to tell him something, maybe telling him why he's been so interested, maybe that he thought Law was somebody useful to hire.

But the feline just couldn't be sure, the redhead was unusually extra bold tonight in particular, leaning towards him, sneakily brushing their fingers was so unnerving.

"Law, I would like to tell you something" the surgeon felt the atmosphere in the room thicken as he peered wearily at the lord with foggy glasses as the feeling of an iron ball falling into his stomach arose.

With a straight face Kidd could barely hide his growing lust and eagerness, "you're right, I didn't exactly bring you here for small talk only" he admitted.

"Listen, there is a reason I've been...visiting you, I wanted to get to know you, to learn more about you..if you really want to know.." Kidd peered around the room for a moment before giving the librarian a gleaming smile, "follow me" with swift motion the wolf bounded out of his chair and quickly paced down the hall, Law having not expected that stuttered for a moment before hastily following behind him.

During their silent walk down the hall Kidd shivered, this was it, he was going to confess to this beauty and claim him as his, even if it wasn't tonight, Kidd would take him one way or another.

Finally the two came across two huge doors and Kidd didn't hesitate to stop as he slipped in, Law though took a moment first.

Law's POV

Was this a good idea? I hadn't had the fleetest idea on what was behind this door heart just wouldn't allow me to walk away anymore.

I hesitantly peeked in only to be met empty bedroom, an uneasy feeling bubbled in my gut as I cautiously stepped into the dark room.

A loud bang echoed through the room making my tail frizz as I whirled around just in time to see Kidd lock the door.

My legs were now trembling as he looked me in the eye, those eyes were different, they were so bright and blazing with such determination and desire..but for what?

"K-K-Kidd? What's going on?" I carefully took a few steps back as he slowly made his way to me, "Law, you don't have to be scared, I-I just want to talk to you so please, sit down" I was just about to refuse until I accidentally tripped over something and landed into his unbelievably soft bed, before I could even sit up Kidd was already all over me.

My form trembled as I stared up as his body covered mine, he looked down upon me and I knew there was no way of escaping.

"Law...." Kidd paused.

His eyes were closed so I had no idea of guessing what he could be thinking, but for some reason the silence helped calm my nerves dispite the fact that Kidd was practically straddling me from above.

His eyes finally opened with some kind of resolve making me blush uncomfortably, "Law I love you"



"W-what..did you...just say?" I had to be dreaming again, that was the only explanation to this, there was no way-"Law I love you, I freaking love you, I've always loved you, from the moment I saw you at that library I fell for you, you're so smart, and cute, and kind, and mature, and funny and..and you're perfect, Law I want you to be my mate.." I couldn't believe this, everything I only wished to happen, everything I wanted, everything I convinced myself to be a fantasy was..was actually happening.

Kidd's POV

I whimpered down at him when I didn't get an answer and gently pressed my forehead to his with pleading eyes, "Law please, I really, really, do love you, you're amazing Law...please say yes" with a nervous frown I cautiously reached my hand up and removed his foggy glasses to only lose myself at the sight, his eyes were glassy and sparkling like the stormy sea with a red velvet colored blush blossoming on his cheeks.

"K-K-Kidd" he softly whimpered, with a small sniffle he hugged me closer to him and smiled with a tear running down his cheek, "Kidd..I fell in love with you too, I-I don't know how it happened but I just did" he whispered.

He loves me...HE LOVES ME!

A huge smile made its way onto my lips as I felt myself start to hyperventilate from my euphoria, but just before I couldn't take it anymore I urgently kissed him.

I felt something close to a purr rumble in my chest when he whined sweetly in suprise of the hard kiss.

I made sure to expertly whip his tongue senseless with my own and completely dominate my newfound territory, he tasted similar to different kinds of fruits, like sweet blueberries and wild strawberries.

This moment together was perfect, he was perfect, absolutely nothing could possibly ruin this now.

That was until Law started to press his hands against me in desperation for oxygen, oops..might have went a bit far there, I spent no time in detaching our lips and watching him loudly gasp in a load of air.

His ears flattened on his head as he clenched his eyes shut while a dark blush coated his face, when he finally opened them again I just couldn't deny the innocent gleam in his eyes any longer.

He was absolutely flushed, his entire face was burning an embarrassed red, his body started to wriggle and squirm in nervousness as his crystal silver orbs practically begged me to ravish him.

I was going to take him right here, right now.

(Furry! Kidlaw) My Innocent LoverWhere stories live. Discover now